Releases: oqyh/cs2-Connect-Disconnect-Sound
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.9)
-Fix Some Bugs
-Added DisableLoopConnections
-Added RemoveDefaultDisconnect
-Added InGameAllowDisableCommandsOnlyForGroups
-Added Log_DiscordUsersWithNoAvatarImage
-Added Lang console.message.connect
-Added Lang console.message.disconnect
-Added Lang command.not.allowed
-Added Lang invalid.steamid
-Added Lang invalid.ipadress
-Added Lang
-Added Lang
-Added Lang
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.8)
-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix InGameSoundDisableCommands
-Added "RemovePlayerCookieOlderThanXDays" (Save Cookies in ../addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CnD_Sound/Cookies/)
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.7)
-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld
-Added "InGameMessageFormatConnect" To lang "InGame_Message_Connect"
-Added "InGameMessageFormatDisconnect" To lang "InGame_Message_Disconnect"
-Added Disconnect Reason {REASON}
-Added "InGameSoundDisableCommands" Disable Enable Sound
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.6)
-Fix Some Bugs
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.5)
-Added "AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld"
-Added "SendLogToWebHook" Mode 1/2/3
-Added "SideColorMessage"
-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix Connect / Disconnect Lag On Discord WebHook
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.4)
-Added "SendLogToServerConsole"
-Added "LogDiscordChatFormatDisconnect"
-Added "LogServerConsoleFormatDisconnect"
-Added "ConnectSoundPath" and "DisconnectSound" good sounds and not annoying
-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix {TIME} and {DATE} Swapped
-Fix Discord message now better style with link to steam
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.3)
-Added "LogDiscordChatFormatConnect"
-Added "LogDiscordChatFormatDisconnect"
-Fix CnDModeLogs Error If has no Permissions To Write [CnD_Sound.dll]
-Fix Discord Message Lag Spike Game Server Task.WaitAll To Task.Run
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.2)
-Added "SendLogToWebHook"
-Added "WebHookURL"
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.1)
-Added {IP} To
-Fixed if "ConnectPlayers" / "DisconnectPlayers" / "ConnectPlayersLog" / "DisconnectPlayersLog"
empty then disable it
[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.0)
-Initial Release