If you want to contribute, please make sure you've executed the tests.
- create the provider filer under
- create a test under /test and make sure it is running successfully
let appliedBlackList = [];
//normalize incoming values
function normalize(o) {
const id = parseInt(o.id.substring(o.id.indexOf('_') + 1, o.id.length));
return Object.assign(o, { id });
//apply blacklist if needed
function applyBlacklist(o) {
const titleNotBlacklisted = !utils.isOneOf(o.title, appliedBlackList);
const descNotBlacklisted = !utils.isOneOf(o.description, appliedBlackList);
return titleNotBlacklisted && descNotBlacklisted;
const config = {
url: null,
//this is the container wrapping the search listings
crawlContainer: '#result-list-stage .item',
crawlFields: {
id: '@id',
price: 'div[id*="selPrice_"] | trim',
size: 'div[id*="selArea_"] | trim',
title: '.item a img@title',
link: 'a[id*="lnkImgToDetails_"]@href',
address: '.item .box-25 .ellipsis .text-100 | removeNewline | trim',
paginate: '#idResultList .margin-bottom-6.margin-bottom-sm-12 .panel a.pull-right@href',
normalize: normalize,
filter: applyBlacklist,
//you can basically copy & paste this, as this is to initialize the provider with the values from the db
exports.init = (sourceConfig, blacklist) => {
config.enabled = sourceConfig.enabled;
config.url = sourceConfig.url;
appliedBlackList = blacklist || [];
exports.metaInformation = {
name: 'your provider name',
baseUrl: 'https://www.yourprovider.de/',
id: __filename.slice(__dirname.length + 1, -3),
exports.config = config;
- create the provider filer under
- create a description of the provider under
. Make sure the name of the md file is equal to the notification adapter
The notification adapter itself dictates how the frontend should be rendered in order to collect all necessary keys.
const Slack = require('slack');
const msg = Slack.chat.postMessage;
const { markdown2Html } = require('../../services/markdown');
//as a parameter, you will always get the serviceName, newListings and all the values, that
//you have defined exports.config.fields. (This is being used for rendering in the frontend)
exports.send = ({ serviceName, newListings, notificationConfig, jobKey }) => {
const { token, channel } = notificationConfig.find((adapter) => adapter.id === 'slack').fields;
return newListings.map((payload) => {
//tho whatever needs to be done to send the data to the receiver, make sure the format is human readable
exports.config = {
id: __filename.slice(__dirname.length + 1, -3),
name: 'someUniqueName, used in the frontend',
//this readme is rendered in the frontend to explain how to use this
readme: markdown2Html('lib/notification/adapter/slack.md'),
description: 'Some description text rendered on the notification page',
fields: {
token: {
//type can be text/number/boolean
type: 'text',
label: 'Token',
description: 'The token needed to send notifications to slack.',
channel: {
type: 'channel',
label: 'Channel',
description: 'The channel where fredy should send notifications to.',
If you've written a new provider you are an awesome person. If you now write tests for it, you are even more awesome. And who doesn't want to be more awesome right?
I'm using Eslint to maintain quote style and quality. Do not skip it...
- executed tests? (
yarn run test
) - sure the changes are useful for everybody? Or is it maybe a custom modification just for your case?
Thanks! ❤️