Blink - output 3.3 volts and 0 volt on a digital pin alternatively to blink the onboard led.
PWM_Brightness_Control - brighten and dim the led continuously by increasing and decreasing the duty cycle of the PWM output.
Read_Digital_Input - read and print the input value of digital pin D0, either true or false.
Read_Analog_Input - read and print the input voltage of analog pin A0. The value is a float number between 0.0 and 3.3.
Button_control_LED - when the button is pressed, the input value will be changed. If it is detected, turn on the led.
Debounce - when the button is pressed, check the input signal in a certain period to ensure the exact status of the button and then turn on the onboard led.
Blink_Timer - use the timer to set intereupt and every second the led will be toggled.
LEDs_Brightness_Control - brighten and dim three LEDs alternatively by cincreasing and decreasing the duty cycle of the PWM output.
Brightness_AnalogIn - set the duty cycle of the PWM output with the float number between 0.0 and 1.0 read from the analog pin.
Blink_AnalogIn - change the sleep time with the raw value read from analog pin to change the blink frequency.
PWM_Sound_Output - change the frequency of the PWM output to generate different notes.
PWM_Melody - list a combination of the frequencies of different pitches to generate a harmonious melody.
- SHT3x - use I2C protocol to communicate with the sensor to get the current temperature and humidity.