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Road layer

Bocher edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 11 revisions

The road layer represents any kind of roadways.

Name Type Constraints Definition
the_geom LINESTRING X Y dimensions Geometry
id_road INTEGER Primary Key Unique Identifier
id_source VARCHAR not null Identifier of the feature from the input datasource
width FLOAT not null Width of the road (expressed in meters)
type VARCHAR not null Type of road
surface VARCHAR The surface value is used to provide additional information about the physical surface of roads/footpaths and some other features, particularly regarding material composition and/or structure.
sidewalk VARCHAR Specify if the road has two, one or no sidewalk(s) - values=[two, one, no]
zindex VARCHAR Defines the position with respect to the ground. 0 indicates that the object is on the ground. 1 to 4 indicates that the object is above the ground surface. -4 to -1 value indicates that the object is underground.
crossing VARCHAR Indicates whether the road is located on a bridge, in a tunnel or neither (value=crossing).

type column values

List of all possible values for the type column.

Term Definition Source
residential Highway generally used for local traffic within settlement. Usually highway accessing or around residential areas. 1
track Highway for mostly agricultural use, forest tracks etc.; usually unpaved (unsealed) but may apply to paved tracks as well, that are suitable for two-track vehicles, such as tractors or jeeps. 2
unclassified Minor public highway typically at the lowest level of the interconnecting grid network. Have lower importance in the highway network than tertiary and are not residential streets or agricultural tracks. 3
footway For designated footpaths, i.e. mainly/exclusively for pedestrians. 4
path A generic multi-use path open to non-motorized vehicles. 5
tertiary Highway linking small settlements, or the local centers of a large town or city. 6
secondary Highway linking large towns. Usually have two lanes but not separated by a central barrier. 7
primary Important highway linking large towns. Usually have two lanes but not separated by a central barrier. 8
cycleway Separated way for the use of cyclists. 9
trunk Important high-performance highway that are not motorways. Deserving main towns. 10
steps For flights of steps on footways and paths. 11
motorway Highest-performance highway within a territory that deserve main towns. Usually have a reglemented access. 12
highway_link Connecting ramp to/from a highway. 13
roundabout Generally a circular (self-intersecting) highway junction where the traffic on the roundabout has right of way. 14
highway Any kind of street or way. 15
ferry A ferry route used to transport things or people from one bank of a watercourse or inlet to the other, or as a permanent or seasonal local maritime link, and a link to a foreign country. 16

surface column values

List of all possible values for the surface column.

Term Definition Source
unpaved Generic term to qualify the surface of a highway that is predominantly unsealed along its length; i.e., it has a loose covering ranging from compacted stone chippings to ground. 1
paved Surface with coating. Generic term for a highway with a stabilized and hard surface. 1
ground Surface of the ground itself with no specific fraction of rock. 1
gravel Surface composed of broken/crushed rock larger than sand grains and thinner than pebblestone. 1
concrete Cement based concrete surface. 1
grass Grass covered ground. 1
compacted A mixture of larger (e.g., gravel) and smaller (e.g., sand) parts, compacted. 1
sand Small to very small fractions of rock as findable alongside body of water. 1
cobblestone Any cobbled surface. 1
wood Highway made of wooden surface. 1
pebblestone Surface made of rounded rock as pebblestone findable alongside body of water. 1
mud Wet unpaved surface. 1
metal Metallic surface. 1
water Used to qualify the surface of ferry route that uses water (waterbodies, watercourses, seas,...) as a traffic surface. 1

crossing column values

Lists of all possible values for the crossing column.

Term Definition Source
bridge Artificial construction that spans features such as roads, railways, waterways or valleys and carries a road, railway or other feature 1
tunnel Underground passage for roads, railways or similar 2
null Everything but a bridge or a tunnel

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