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262 lines (202 loc) · 11.6 KB

Simplified Chinese README | 简体中文说明

Releases: fonts & patterns (3.53MB) | linux_arm64 (2.88MB) | linux_x64 (3.42MB) | win_x64 (3.61MB)

cad2x - a minimal standalone CLI tool that convert CAD files (DXF / DWG) to other formats (DXF / PDF / PNG / SVG) which is derived from LibreCAD (commit: 0601535).


  • 💼 Portable - no GUI & no dependencies
  • 🌈 Customized - deeply trimmed Qt 5.12.12 (QtCore & QtGUI)
  • 🚀 Extremely Small - 2.9MB binary file size at all (on aarch64-linux)
  • Unicode Display - support display of malformed Unicode characters - DXF File Encoding
  • 🗳️ Cross Platform - support MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and most linux-based OS
  • 🔠 TrueType Font Reuse - lazy load ttf/ttc font (not only lff/cxf) - share system and other apps' fonts with less overhead

Best Paractices

Usage: ./cad2x [options] <dxf/dwg files>

Convert DXF/DWG files to DXF v2007/PDF/PNG/SVG files.


  cad2x *.dxf|*.dwg|*
    -- print all dxf/dwg files to pdf files with the same base names.

  cad2x -o svg *.dxf|*.dwg|*
    -- print all dxf/dwg files to svg format.

  cad2x -o b.png a.dwg
    -- print a.dwg file to b.png.

  -h, --help                           Displays this help.
  -v, --version                        Displays version information.
  -a, --auto-orientation               Auto paper orientation (landscape or
                                       portrait) based on document bounding box.
  -b, --monochrome                     Print monochrome (black/white).
  -c, --fit                            Auto fit and center drawing to page.
  -e, --code-page <codepage>           Set default code page (default is
  -f, --default-font <font>            Set default font (default is standard).
  -l, --font-dirs <dir1,dir2,dir3...>  Set more font directories.
  -m, --margins <L,T,R,B>              Paper margins in mm (integer or float).
  -n, --pages <HxV>                    Print on multiple pages (Horiz. x
  -o, --outfile <file>                 Output DXF v2007/PDF/PNG/SVG file.
  -p, --paper <WxH>                    Paper size (Width x Height) in mm.
  -r, --resolution <integer>           Output resolution (DPI).
  -s, --scale <double>                 Output scale. E.g.: 0.01 (for 1:100
  -t, --directory <path>               Target output directory.

  <dxf/dwg files>                      Input DXF/DWG file(s)

Convert all the dwg files to pdf format

  • detect the orientation (-a)
  • auto fit & center drawing in the page (-c)
  • to output directory (-t)

./cad2x -o pdf *.dwg -t output -ac

Convert a.dxf to b.png

  • detect the orientation (-a)
  • auto fit & center drawing in the page (-c)
  • set page size to 2970 x 2100 (-p 2970x2100)
  • set margins (-m 2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0)

./cad2x -o b.png a.dxf -ac -p 2970x2100 -m 2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0

Convert a.dwg to b.dxf (v2007)

./cad2x -o b.dxf a.dwg

Convert a.dxf(QCad / v2004 / v2000 / v14 / v12) to b.dxf(v2007)

./cad2x -o b.dxf a.dxf

Convert a.dxf to b.pdf

  • detect the orientation (-a)
  • auto fit & center drawing in the page (-c)
  • set default code page chinese (-e ANSI_936)
  • set default font (-f simsun)
  • add font list (-l /one/fonts,/two/fonts)

./cad2x -o b.pdf a.dxf -e ANSI_936 -f simsun -ac -l /one/fonts,/two/fonts

Code Page References

Language DXF CodePage
Thai ANSI_874
Japanese ANSI_932
UnifiedChinese ANSI_936
Korean ANSI_949
TradChinese ANSI_950
CentralEurope ANSI_1250
Cyrillic ANSI_1251
WesternEurope ANSI_1252
Greek ANSI_1253
Turkish ANSI_1254
Hebrew ANSI_1255
Arabic ANSI_1256
Baltic ANSI_1257
Vietnam ANSI_1258

Build Tutorials Under Linux


apt update
apt-get install g++ gcc make git-core pkg-config qt5-qmake libfreetype-dev -y --no-install-recommends

How to build trimmed qtbase(Qt 5.12.12)

  • [strongly recommended] static QtCore & QtGUI library
cd ./3rdparty/qtbase/
./configure -developer-build -release -no-iconv -no-icu -static -strip -confirm-license -opensource
qmake -qt=qt5 -r -- -developer-build -release -no-iconv -no-icu -static -strip -confirm-license -opensource
make -j20

cd src/corelib
make install_targ_headers

make -j20 staticlib

cd ../gui
make install_targ_headers

make -j20 staticlib
  • [available alternative] shared QtCore & QtGUI library
cd ./3rdparty/qtbase/
./configure -developer-build -release -no-iconv -no-icu -strip -confirm-license -opensource -R .
qmake -qt=qt5 -r -- -developer-build -release -no-iconv -no-icu -strip -confirm-license -opensource -R .
make -j20
make install

How to build cad2x

qmake -qt=qt5 -r
make -j20

Build Tutorial Under Windows (x64)


  • Install Qt 5.12.12 for Windows, make sure to select MinGW 7.3.0 during installation.

  • Download MinGW 7.3.0-seh, and extract to a specific location on disk, such as D:\mingw64.

  • Rename D:\mingw64\bin\mingw32-make to make.

  • Add D:\mingw64\bin, D:\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin, and D:\mingw64\libexec\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\7.3.0 to the system environment variable Path.

  • Replace the include and mkspecs folders under $QT$\Qt5.12.12\5.12.12\mingw73_64 directory with the ones from ./3rdparty/qtbase/.

Build a Minimal Version of qtbase (Qt 5.12.12)

  • Enter the cmd(Command Prompt) through the Start menu's Qt 5.12.12 (MinGW 7.3.0 64-bit)

  • Static QtCore & QtGUI libraries

cd ./3rdparty/qtbase/
./configure -developer-build -release -platform win32-g++ -no-iconv -no-icu -static -strip -confirm-license -opensource -qt-zlib -qt-freetype
qmake -r -- -developer-build -release -platform win32-g++ -no-iconv -no-icu -static -strip -confirm-license -opensource -qt-zlib -qt-freetype
make -j20

How to build cad2x

qmake -r
make -j20

Compression using upx

./upx -9 --ultra-brute cad2x


  • ✨ add font by easily dropping into cad2x-converter/output/fonts
  • ✂️ trim QtBase
    • ✂️ trim dependency of QtWidgets & QtPrintSupport
    • ✂️ trim dependency of GUI app (QtGuiApplication / accessible / input / events / plugins)
    • ✂️ trim dependency of Render (OpenGL / Vulkan / KMS / VNC)
    • ✂️ trim dependency of qpa (X server and etc.)
    • ✂️ trim dependency of ICU / PCRE2
    • ✂️ trim useless codes (Pixmap / Icon / Windows and etc.)
    • ✂️ inbuilt font database without plugin
  • ✂️ extract key code
  • ✂️ trim dependency of boost
  • ✂️ minimal binary size (static link) (2.9MB after strip and upx -9 --ultra-brute)
    > ldd cad2pdf => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x00000055021dc000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x00000055021f0000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x000000550232b000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x000000550236f000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x000000550241a000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x00000055024d9000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x000000550256b000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x000000550259c000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000005502781000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x00000055027a5000)
        /lib/ (0x0000005500000000) => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000005502918000)
  • ✂️ merge: cad2pdf + cad2pic = cad2x
  • 🛠️ fix: png size auto setting
  • 🛠️ fix: output file argument
  • 🛠️ fix: malformed Unicode characters - DXF File Encoding
  • 🛠️ fix: QCad format DXF incorrect offset of entities
  • 🆕 feature: support auto orientation detection
  • 🆕 feature: lazy load ttf/ttc font file support (not only lff/cxf)
  • 🆕 feature: auto setting system font directories
    • - C:\Windows\Fonts
    • - /Library/Fonts /System/Library/Fonts
    • - /usr/share/fonts /usr/local/share/fonts ~/.fonts
  • 🆕 feature: support more export formats
    • a quick way from DWG to BMP thumbnail
    • DWG / DXF to JSON for cad.js
    • DWG / DXF to XML
    • DWG / DXF to TXT
  • 🆕 feature: support 3D models


You can refer to original LibreCAD Wiki - BUILD FROM SOURCE page first.


Q: How to export other image formats like bmp / jpeg / tiff / ico / tga?

A: Create a directory named 'plugins/imageformats' and put the libq<fmt>.so/q<fmt>.dll in it (can be found from here, <fmt> is the specified image format), app will automatically load the plugins.

Q: What should I do if the exported file is blank?

A: 3D models are currently not supported. If it's not a 3D file, try adding the -c parameter for export.

Q: What should I do if there are garbled characters?

A: Try adding default encoding and corresponding font, such as -e ANSI_936 -f simsun, setting the default to Simplified Chinese and the default font to SimSun.