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Del sycomix

GLP Technologies Dallas, TX, USA

JillTheSomething jll123567
Going by multiple names and working on multiple things. Have a good day!
Joel Robert Justiawan JOELwindows7
Founder of @Perkedel Technologies Share and Serve for Gratis, Open Source, and FULL VERSION!!! Softwares Coding: GNU GPL v3 Documents & Assets: CC4.0-BY-SA

@Perkedel Technologies Jakarta, Indonesia

cute_coffee666 evlyou666
Just read my readme so yap

WorldBalancer fallen angel

Adam Beckingham beckadamtheinventor
I program in a variety of languages, including: python, C/C++, HLSL, [e]Z80 assembly, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Some experience in C# and Java.


NotAKidoS NotAKidoS
pp codepp codepp code

Never Gonna Give

Luca LucHeart
22 year old developer from Germany. Working for Alpha Blend Interactive. .NET, Kotlin, Java, Web and more.

Alpha Blend Interactive UG Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany