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SetTheTone Salfotd UK

Bernardo smoge
Composer | Programmer | Musician | Performer | Crafting scores, sounds and code with equal passion. Exploring the intersections


Reilly Spitzfaden (they/them) reillypascal
Composer, electronic musician, and educator // Music tech lecturer at SUNY Geneseo // I like noise, code, electronics, and nostalgia

Rochester, NY

Nicolas Danet nicolasdanet
Pure Data + JUCE

Montpellier, France

ColorTV colortelevision
'Prolly the next Disney
Gemini Squish Games GeminiSquishGames
I currently work with C# and python. Raised on Amiga BASIC, Pascal, and C/C++. I use Unity and Godot. Am slowly warming up to Unreal Engine.
Seungho Jang sjang1594
You just have to feel the pain once!

MORAI Inc Seoul, South Korea

Aires airesdev
Currently doing something i guess


Sleepless Monk Ethereios
High functioning, PhD, scientist, multidisciplinary visionary, musician, writer


Matt Oldfield asmattic
Curious. Open minded. Drummer. React (et. al.) Dev. Physics B.A. Music Festival Organizer/Enthusiast. Here to make and appreciate cool stuff

Tampa, FL

Rex rexgreenway
Fullstack Engineer, London.

London, UK

Antoine M-P antoineMoPa
404 bio not found

Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

Kyle Cain cainky
Professional software developer based in downtown Toronto.

Toronto, Ontario