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dalong dalong0514

Hangzhou, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yiğithan Kazancı yigithankazanci
I am conducting my doctoral studies in the Department of Environmental Engineering at İzmir Institute of Technology, focusing on water resources and pollutant m

Izmir Institute of Technology Izmir

Federico Håland Gaeta fhgaeta
Environmental scientist at NIVA. Aquaculture section.

NIVA - Norwegian Institute for water research Grimstad

Marit Norli maritnorli
Phytoplankton researcher at Norwegian Institute for water research (NIVA).

@NivaNorge Oslo

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Jens Vedal jeved

@NIVANorge Oslo, Norway

Odd Arne Segtnan Skogan oddarneskogan
Norwagian MSc electronics engineer, Studied electronics - and much more - at NTNU

@NIVAnorge Oslo

Elianne Egge EEgge

Norwegian Institute for Water Research @NIVANorge Oslo

shekhar sharan goyal shekharsg
Geologist, Water quality expert, Research Scholar
Merete Grung MereGrung
ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, environmental risk assessment