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Zike Xu kririae
Aerodynamics | Graphics | 2F8E 583D EBD3 7A22
Ye Ji (纪野) jiyess
Computer-Aided Geometric Design & IsoGeometric Analysis


Moslem Uddin muddin21
PhD student and graduate research assistant in mathematics at Tulane University

@Tulane University New Orleans, LA-70118, USA

gaoak gaoak

University of Science and Technology of China Hefei

RedBull RedBlack888


Kencat kencat
“All Bhadras and Aryas differ on account of the Eternal Asamskrta Dharma.”
Thomas Baumann brownbaerchen
I like the music and the weather.

Forschungszentrum Jülich Köln

Oromion carlosal1015
My interests ⊆ Mathematics ∩ LaTeX.

National University of Engineering Peru