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Margaret Wong Minisoco
Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.

Kean University Union, NJ

Sean Yan LooongArch

Northwestern University

porschebz baojiawei
Recording front-end development learning 浙江 杭州


SenseTime Shenzhen


United States

David Qiao qtw1998
love programming since I was a little boy 🇨🇳 Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU) 🇬🇧 University of Bristol (UoB) Robotics

University of Bristol, UK

両角凛 IAm20cm
Site Reliability Engineer. Use Golang and Python primarily.

很惭愧,就做了一点微小的工作 PythonLand

Nowwa N0wwa

Organization Strategy 无名之地

安琪 AnneLau
I'm fond of art and coding.


Guo Lin maigone

UCloud Shanghai

Get busying living or get busying dying! 怕什么真理无穷,进一步有一步的欢喜
数据娃掘 tifoit
I'm a coder. My research interests are NLP, ML, DL.
Not Fatal Error Yet MonsterDove
Prod Is for Testing. Why not?

Blessed Be the Fruit Fréjus, Francia