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ts-paged-list 1.0.13

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @reapptor/ts-paged-list@1.0.13
Install via package.json:
"@reapptor/ts-paged-list": "1.0.13"

About this version


ReApptor TypeScript PagedList

It is a complete, fully tested pagination library for splitting the array into pages and selecting a specific page by an index. It includes an IPagedList interface, a PagedList container, and an array toPagedList extension written in TypeScript.


Install from the command line:

npm install @reapptor/ts-paged-list

Install via package.json:

"@reapptor/ts-paged-list": "^1.*"


Add import "@reapptor/ts-paged-list"; into the main project file (i.e. index.ts) to register extensions.

Use array extension toPagedList to select the page a specific page by page index and size, for example: [1,2,3,4,5].toPagedList(1, 2).

See more:


The ReApptor TypeScript PagedList package is licensed under the terms of the MIT license and is available for free.


The code is 100% covered by the JEST tests.
The generated coverage result is here:
Coverage Summary


Other projects


Represents a subset of input items that can be individually accessed by index and
contains metadata about the superset collection of objects this subset was created from.

export default interface IPagedList<out T = {}> {

     * The page items.
    readonly items: readonly T[];

     * The one-based page index is in the superset.
    readonly pageNumber: number;

     * The maximum size of any page.
    readonly pageSize: number;

     * The total number of pages within the superset
    readonly pageCount: number;

     * The total number of elements contained within the superset.
    readonly totalItemCount: number;

     * Returns true if the page number is higher than 1, showing that the subset is not the first within the superset.
    readonly hasPreviousPage: boolean;

     * Returns true if the page number is less than the page count, showing that the subset is not the latest within the superset.
    readonly hasNextPage: boolean;

     * Returns true if the page number is 1, showing that the subset is the first within the superset.
    readonly isFirstPage: boolean;

     * Returns true if the page number equals the page count, showing that the subset is the last within the superset.
    readonly isLastPage: boolean;

     * The zero-based index of the first item in the paged subset within the superset.
    readonly firstItemIndex: number;

     * The zero-based index of the last item in the paged subset within the superset.
    readonly lastItemIndex: number;

Array extension functions


Splits the input superset collection into pages (subsets) and returns the specific page (subset) by an index.

 * Splits the input superset collection into pages (subsets) and returns the specific page (subset) by an index.
 * @param pageNumber - The page index is in the superset starting from 1.
 * @param pageSize - The maximum size of any page.
 * @returns IPagedList<T> - An IPagedList<T> object object that contains the specified subset and metadata about the input superset collection of objects this subset was created from.
toPagedList(pageNumber: number, pageSize: number): IPagedList<T>;


Example #1

Selecting the second page from an array of numbers with page size 2.

const input: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const page: IPagedList<number> = input.toPagedList(2, 2);

console.log(`page #${page.pageNumber} from ${page.pageCount}`);
console.log(`page items [${page.items}] from [${input}]`);
console.log("pageSize = ", page.pageSize);
console.log("totalItemCount = ", page.totalItemCount);
console.log("hasPreviousPage = ", page.hasPreviousPage);
console.log("hasNextPage = ", page.hasNextPage);
console.log("isFirstPage = ", page.isFirstPage);
console.log("isLastPage = ", page.isLastPage);
console.log("firstItemIndex = ", page.firstItemIndex);
console.log("lastItemIndex = ", page.lastItemIndex);

Code produces the following output:

 page 2/3
 page items = [ 3, 4 ] from [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
 pageSize = 2
 totalItemCount = 5
 hasPreviousPage = true
 hasNextPage = true
 isFirstPage = false
 isLastPage = false
 firstItemIndex = 2
 lastItemIndex = 3
Example #2

The initializing of the empty page.

const page: IPagedList = [].toPagedList(1, 100);

console.log(`page #${page.pageNumber} from ${page.pageCount}`);
console.log(`page items [${page.items}] from []`);
console.log("pageSize = ", page.pageSize);
console.log("totalItemCount = ", page.totalItemCount);
console.log("hasPreviousPage = ", page.hasPreviousPage);
console.log("hasNextPage = ", page.hasNextPage);
console.log("isFirstPage = ", page.isFirstPage);
console.log("isLastPage = ", page.isLastPage);
console.log("firstItemIndex = ", page.firstItemIndex);
console.log("lastItemIndex = ", page.lastItemIndex);

Code produces the following output:

 page 1/1
 page items = [] from []
 pageSize = 100
 totalItemCount = 0
 hasPreviousPage = false
 hasNextPage = false
 isFirstPage = true
 isLastPage = true
 firstItemIndex = 0
 lastItemIndex = 0


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  • ts-paged-list-1.0.13.tgz

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