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Steven Rieder rieder
I am a research software engineer for astronomy, working at the @antonpannekoek of the University of Amsterdam. I am also an @amusecode developer.

Universiteit van Amsterdam

Vikesh Koul vkoul
Data Science πŸ“Š πŸ“ˆ πŸ’» Amsterdam

Alexander Hepburn aahepburn
Interested in NLP, causality, philosophy. Mildly addicted to coffee.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ada adashiyj
Communication Science student at the University of Amsterdam


Jelke Bloem bloemj

ILLC, University of Amsterdam Amsterdam



Xinkai Du xinkaidupsy
PhD candidate Uni Oslo & Modum Bad Psychiatric Hospital | (Dynamical) Networks & Psychometrics; Psychopathology

University of Oslo Oslo