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Cosmin Irimescu irimescucosmin
ASP.NET Core, C# ❤️ SOLID | CQRS | DDD 👍 Jenkins | Docker | Kubernetes | Helm 👍

ORS Srl Italia

Tung Pham tungpham42
Webmaster, Web Developer specialized in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS

COTUONG.TOP Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

travisbikkle travisbikkle
Indie Developer (Rust, Go, C#, Java, Unity, Web, Electron, Tauri, React, Vue...)


vicvinc vicvinc
Be Patient.

|xor| Beijing.P.R.C

齿轮key Gearkey


not-a-regular-coder not-a-regular-coder
<!-- gravity exists --> Frontend developer, freelancer ( 2k16 - present ) #INFINITY♾


H.-H. PENG Hsins
"Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to think out every case." - Francis Glassborow


Lincoln Russell linc
Web engineering leader focused on open source, community, education, & hypermedia. Helped build @vanilla, now @agorakit.

uConnect Detroit