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Muhamad Akmal muhamadakmal1
Aspiring Data Science


Zewei (Whiskey) Liao whiskey0504
CS & Public Policy @ UChicago

University of Chicago Chicago, IL

Mubarak Ibrahim hellomuba
👨‍💻 Mubarak Ibrahim Data Analyst | Business Intelligence Expert | Tech Enthusiast
Sai Ruthvik hawkh

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Hariswar CoderHariswar
An enthusiastic Data Science student to derive insights from data and solve real world problems


ManashJP deconixmj
Data Science/analytics,Development and test, Linux.


Laxman Khedkar Laxman7744
👨‍💻 Data Science Enthusiast | 📊 Python | 🧠 Machine Learning | 📈 Data Visualization | 📚 Lifelong Learner

Pune, Maharastra

Aditya Singh Aditya-singh7500
Aspiring Data scientist

Ghaziyabad UP


RCC Institute of Information Technology (RCCIIT), Kolkata India

IqraAhmed iqradatascientist
Data Scientist |Data Scientist | Understanding Real World Problems | Processing, Cleaning, and Analysing Data | Modelling & Algorithms| Data Visualization


Tashfia Akan tashfia-shoron
Passionate about Data Analytics, Economics, and Education.

California, USA

Femi Adeola FemicrownX
Data Analyst | AI Enthusiast | Web Developer | Master's Student at FURG


My Pham mypham14
Perpetual learner motivated to apply data science in finance, audit and cybersecurity

Dallas, TX

Michelle Lira michelle-lira
Analista de Dados | AWS Cloud Pratictioner

Recife, PE

Elliot BoonBoonBoonBoon
Graduate CompSci Student at NUA
Khalid Hossain khalidhossain159357
undefined entity . . .


Raju rajukaji
__init__Python .cpp apt-get update


kamal kamalcode
Frontend developer with webapi and angular 2,typescript,iot,azure,python,Django,Umbraco

Thane ,India