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12 repositories
PublicADLS (Application Distribution License System) is full-fledged application licensing & distribution system built as an add-on for CS-Cart. Can be coupled with our ADLS Subscriptions add-on.sidekick
Public"Sidekick" is a utility CS-Cart add-on used to keep all your other HELOstore add-ons up-to-date.autoimage_lite
Public"AutoImage Lite" is a CS-Cart add-on that adds automatic product image processing (cropping & resizing). Ideal for high-volume online retailers with a high turnover of products, high velocity of inventory, high volume of new product releases, or who frequently add new products.admin_theme
Public"Developer Tools" is a free CS-Cart add-on that provides developers with a range of tools to help them develop CS-Cart add-ons. It includes features such: add-on boilerplate generator, add-on packer, add-on translations refresher.google_pagespeed
Public"ADLS Subscriptions" is a CS-Cart add-on that adds subscription-based products and services, subscriptions management, sends subscription expiration reminders & post-expiration follow-up emails. It requires ADLS add-on.free_shipping_incentive
Public"Free Shipping Incentive" add-on for CS-Cart is a tool that allows online shop owners to offer free shipping to customers who meet certain criteria. Allows to customize the incentivizing messages that are displayed to customers, enticing them to qualify for free shipping by adding more products. Helps to increase sales and customer loyalty.