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Andréa Antoniali AndreaAntoniali
Master in Fundamental Physics with a focus on Cosmology and Particles Physics, I'm now focused in data science.
Mario Restuccia restuccia
digital rights, (open) data, policy, politics


Anthony BILLON LeWarpy
weird dude who type like an dumb kid

@Almyria, formerly @DreamseeTelevision Bourges, France

elias showk elishowk
Full-stack software engineer @betagouv @MTES-MCT

@MTES-MCT France

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Patrick Patechoc
using GitHub for sharing and collecting awesome open source tools and code snippets, but... Knowledge isn't free, you have to pay attention (Richard P. Feynman)


Adrien Jussak ajussak
Full Stack Application Developer

NationsGlory Montpellier, France

Freelance developer. Ex-Student @ 42paris. Interested in web, video games and creative dev.
thomas ThomasLdev
PHP Web Developer

Lille, France

Mikaleb Mikaleb
Front-end web dev Vue/TS

Paris, France