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Hugo Périlleux hugoperilleux

Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles

Sébastien Mestrallet sebmestrallet
PhD student in geometry processing

CEA, @LIHPC-Computational-Geometry Saclay, France

Guillaume Levrier Guillaume-Levrier
Building open-source software for (political) science.

Sciences Po

Mohammed Younes mohammedyounes98
Urban Planning Engineer and Spatial Analyst ParisTech | Polytech Lille


Xavier Lehmann XavierLehmann

Université Gustave Eiffel Paris - France

Gourdon Paul pgourdongeo
Ingénieur de Recherche en SHS. Je code un peu en R mais je ne suis ni statisticien, ni informaticien :)

UMR 8134 LATTS / CNRS Paris

Anne QUESNEL-BARBET drfrangipane

CHRU de Lille, Lab RETINES UCA Nice Hauts-de-France, Lille, France

research engineer | geospatial and R studio

ETI - Chair | IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Lyon, France

Romain Mejean rmejean
PhD in Geography. Land use change modelling, agent-based models.

Université Toulouse 2 Toulouse, France

cyco gse-cc-git

Alain Marois amarois
Data librarian and open science trainer

École Normale Supérieure de lyon (ENS de Lyon) Lyon

Louis Manière LouisManiere
Geomatics and hydrologic engineer

CNRS Lyon, France

Oluwafemi OYEDELE BB1464
📊 🌐 🧑‍🏫I am an agronomist and data scientist with an interest in bayesian statistics, machine learning, crop modelling and geospatial analysis.

Research Assistant at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan

Julie Gravier JGravier
Permanent researcher at CNRS, ThéMA laboratory

CNRS Besançon

Andrei-WongE Andrei-WongE
Economist specialized in spatial data science with extensive experience in the development sector.

|> enjoy London, United Kingdom

jonathan sidgwick jonathansidgwick
responsable SIG en Collectivité territoriale membre de @aitf-sig-topo

communauté d'agglomération du GrandMontauban Montauban, France

Qwerty qwertygc
my repositories are from now on My github's account it's only for contribution and content curation.
Julien Gaffuri jgaffuri
GIS and cartography at Eurostat

@eurostat Luxembourg, France

Laurent Jégou ljegou
Teacher and researcher in cartography

Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès Toulouse, France

Kerouanton CKerouanton
PhD in spatial sciences.
Nicolas Roelandt nicolas-roelandt
GIS engineer

Univ. Gustave Eiffel Bron, France


Univ. Lyon 2 - LIRIS France

Milo Monnier MiloMonnier

Enercoop Montpellier, France

Olivier Leroy defuneste
I like trees and spatial data, bonus points if it comes from plotless sampling !