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The 64th Gamer The64thGamer
3D Modeler, Game Developer, and Archivist of Vintage Animatronics.
Paige Ashlynn mxashlynn
coder, producer, music fan, teagirl


Alaya Abdullahi C-NERD
Systems software and embedded systems enginneer


Nelson Lopez darltrash
I make art, and software that aids me to make said art.


Cayden R. Haun FloridaMan7588
i do some code things sometimes, i call myself a developer but idk lol. theres some projects lying around here if you wanna check them out
Lexi KontrollFreek
Hey! I'm a mildly competent full stack web developer who's experienced with TS, JS, Rust, PHP, Python, MySQL, EdgeDB, and MongoDB.

Self "employed" North Carolina, USA

Evan evnb
Recent grad ⚙️ 🎮 🎙 🎞


just a foss lover looking up to a private future
Luke Taylor AlpacaFur

Northeastern University

Spax SpiritAxolotl
World-renowned axolotl furry with terrible time management. Discord is @ spaxolotl
lily celeste newton TheAwesome98-Real
dani if he was free software developer and also if he was a hot girl with massive boobies

Aberdeen, Scotland

annette/annuska syrth-io
web 1.0 enthusiast with too many interests and not enough battery.
AdamSkI2003 AdamK2003
Discord: @adamski2003


~julia saperoi
nyan-binary audhd failthing


kittenlikeasmallcat ktnlikeasmallcat
I don't know a damn thing about a damn thing but I sure do like mushrooms and drum machines.
Max Walters theycallhermax
i like women


Mae Morella mmorella-dev
Move fast and make things.

Computer Science Major Atlanta, GA

Vri vrifox

neuedev IT Leipzig, Germany

Mistu Marsh mistu01
Just exploring!


limes gitlimes

Turin, Italy

reese sapphire reeseovine
on here more than i would like to be
Elly Loel EllyLoel
Web Designer / Design Engineer, specialising in Accessibility & Design Systems

Naarm (Melbourne, Australia)