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documentation / 0.0.1-alpha.16

documentation 0.0.1-alpha.16

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @noop-inc/documentation@0.0.1-alpha.16
Install via package.json:
"@noop-inc/documentation": "0.0.1-alpha.16"

About this version

Noop Documentation

Central Repository of Noop Documentation

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This repository contains the authoratative content of Noop documenation. This content is authored in an intentionally minimalistic Markdown format so it can be rendered within a variety of clients. Our parser enforces two key concepts to the Markdown, particularly on the use of headers.

  • Each Markdown file in the ./docs/ directory is a Page. The title of the page is read from the first h1 block, like # Page Title. If there are other h1 blocks, they are disregared.
  • Each Page contains zero or more Sections which are demarcated by h2 blocks, like ## Section Title. All the Markdown content that follows up until another h2 is included in the section body.



  • documentation-0.0.1-alpha.16.tgz

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