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fe-claim_batch / 1.4.0

fe-claim_batch 1.4.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @openimis/fe-claim_batch@1.4.0
Install via package.json:
"@openimis/fe-claim_batch": "1.4.0"

About this version

openIMIS Frontend Claim Batch reference module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend Claim Batch reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-fe_js.

License: AGPL v3 Total alerts

Main Menu Contributions


Other Contributions

  • claim.MainMenu : Batch Runs ( translation key))
  • core.Router: registering the claim_batch route in openIMIS client-side router

Available Contribution Points


Published Components

  • claim_batch.BatchRunPicker, drop down bound to batchRuns GraphQL query (no cache, requires district id as scope)
  • claim_batch.AccountTypePicker, constant-based picker, translation keys: claim_batch.accountType.null, claim_batch.accountType.1,...

Dispatched Redux Actions

  • CLAIM_BATCH_CLAIM_BATCH_PICKER_{REQ|CLEAR|RESP|ERR}: fetching (clearing) batch runs for a selected district
  • CLAIM_BATCH_CLAIM_BATCH_SEARCHER_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: fetching batch processes
  • CLAIM_BATCH_MUTATION_{REQ|ERR}: sending (processBatch) mutation
  • CLAIM_BATCH_PROCESS_RESP: recieving the result of process batch mutation
  • CLAIM_BATCH_PREVIEW: emit print preview request
  • CLAIM_BATCH_PREVIEW_DONE: recieved print preview response (pdf)

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions


Other Modules Redux State Bindings

  • state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)
  • state.core.confirmed, launch batch confirmation dialog results

Configurations Options

  • claim_batchFilter.rowsPerPageOptions, pagination page size options in Batch Searcher component (Default: [10, 20, 50, 100])
  • claim_batchFilter.defaultPageSize, pagination pre-selected page size options in Batch Searcher component (Default: 10)



  • fe-claim_batch-1.4.0-npm.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 0
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