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Diego Beraldin diegoberaldin
Always been working as a mobile app developer. Android Engineer.


Mert Şişmanoğlu mertssmnoglu
Backend Developer

@bluewave-labs İstanbul / Turkey

Joey Fawad mojofawad
I can't solve every problem in the world, but I'd like to solve enough of them to leave a meaningful impact.

United States

Benjamin Barbeau Ategon
Computer Science Student

Ottawa, Canada

Cocytus Cocytus45
Hobbyist coder.
nibblebit ydinkov
Head of engineering @blue-10. Sometimes videogames,

Blue10 Leiden, The Netherlands

Jason Novinger jnovinger
Lead Engineer @EliasSportsBureau

Elias Sports Bureau Austin, TX

Baum TreeGardenDev
Rust - C - Python - wasm(struggling)
Gamma xPMo
Sending random patches upstream since 2016. [[ Linux | Sway/KDE | Zsh ]]

Earth, probably

Janesh Chhabra janeshchhabra

Amazon Web Services (EC2 EBS) Sunnyvale