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Matt Ramos kobeiwnl
CS student || University of Sapienza
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ivan Dalla Ragione Ivanettoss
Sci-fi addicted, surrealism lover and fashion enjoyer. Computer science student at Sapienza Università di Roma. Become the swaggest or die tryin'
Python Dev
Lorenzo Palladino LorenzoP09
A CompSci student of Sapienza University of Rome who likes to talk abt CS, music, and litterature
Bruno Vollono Burnoh
Computer Science student at Sapienza University of Rome

Fondi, LT, Italy

aglaia norza AglaiaNorza

sapienza italy

Matteo Collica matypist
📍Rome, Italy (🏠 Sicily ☀️) 🌻 ENFJ 📚 Sapienza University of Rome, bachelor degree course in Informatics (L-31) @sapienzastudentsnetwork

Sapienza Students Network Rome, Italy

Graduated from Law school and currently working as a Backend Developer. Unsatisfied with status quo.

Curitiba - Brazil

Eva evaevangelisti
Computer science student

Rome, Italy

Damir Tassybayev tassdam
Senior Bachelor Student | cs@sapienza
Francesco, Ciro Petrone petrons01
Hello everyone !! I'm a Computer Science student.

Rome, Italy.

Alessio Marini alem1105

Sapienza University of Rome Soriano nel Cimino (VT), Italy