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Everything I've ever done was logged here.
Nelis Júnior nelisjunior
Bachelor in S&T and aspiring to Technological Business.

@dataprev Brazil, Natal/RN

Evandro Goncalves evangoncalves

@senhasegura Porto Alegre/RS

Navenesh Kumar JohnDarkman
There can be a lot meaning in zeros and ones.


Mustafa Dikyar mustafadikyar

OYAK Investing İstanbul

Filipi Pires filipi86
Threat Researcher and Cybersecurity Advocate, Instructor, Speaker and Writer about Malware Hunting

@snyk-ambassadors and @DCG5511

Fagner Carvalho Fagner-Carvalho-Cyber
Consultor Cybersecurity


0xGeV GetulioVictor
Computer Engineering Student | CTF Player | Aspiring Security Researcher & Penetration Tester

UNIFEI - Federal University of Itajubá Brazil

Kleber Cabral klebercabral
DevOps Engineer

Fortaleza, Brazil

Danny Caron DannyCaron

iA Groupe Financier Québec

Shalika Senadeera Shalika-K9
I’m a Senior team lead with 11 years of experience managing Network infrastructures and data center operations across multiple platforms.

V S information systems Colombo