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Ygor Maximo mxm0z
OSINT all the things
Siva Sankar Reddy Bogala ssrbloginsoft
Full stack | AWS | DevOps | Python | Typescript

Loginsoft Pvt.Ltd Hyderabad

Ben Wheat benatsb
Azure, M365, and security stuff. Automate everything.


Vicky Ray vicky-ray
Cyber-jack of all trades
Vuln4Casting, Solving Cyber Risk, Switches Get Stitches, Denial of Surface


JP Bourget punkrokk
President @bluecyclecyber. Automating cybersecurity one workflow, one API, and one commit at a time. O11y with Cribl

Blue Cycle Rochester, NY

Komail Haider 10P komailhaider10p
I am an experienced, highly competent software engineer with more than 12 years’ experience in designing, developing and testing software on Microsoft platform.
