AMB3665-M Module #571
Replies: 5 comments 2 replies
Thank you very much! I have merged the code. What is the meter that you are listening to on the 169 MHz fq? |
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Thank you very much! I have merged the codePlease confirm if the latest github is working with your dongle.
Ok, I just got the new master and rebuilt on a clean directory and I confirm that works like a charm :)
(at the end of this message the start log with "auto" directive)
. What is the meter that you are listening to on the 169 MHz fq?
I do not have an AMB3665-M yet.
I'm doing some experiments trying to read the meter of my gas provider just to know my consumption (more or less in realtime) because I would like to do some efficiency tuning in my home's heating system.
Till now I only received a lot of packets that I'm not yet able to decode...
Something like:
(serial) received binary "14"
(amb3626) rx long delay (7s), drop incomplete telegram
(serial) received binary "068914002818D80F648EC44AA91872"
(amb3626) chunk time 16 msec
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "14068914002818D80F648EC44AA91872"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "2618CCAE88"
(amb3626) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "722618CCAE88"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "14068914002818D80F64"
(amb3626) rx long delay (52s), drop incomplete telegram
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "14068914002818D80F64"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "8EC4EFA918722618CCBB20"
(amb3626) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "648EC4EFA918722618CCBB20"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "14068914002818D80F648E"
(amb3626) rx long delay (7s), drop incomplete telegram
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "14068914002818D80F648E"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "C44BA918722618CCAE88"
(amb3626) chunk time 16 msec
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "8EC44BA918722618CCAE88"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "14068914"
(amb3626) rx long delay (59s), drop incomplete telegram
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "14068914"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "002818D80F648EC44CA918722618CC"
(amb3626) chunk time 16 msec
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "14002818D80F648EC44CA918722618CC"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
(serial) received binary "AE88"
(amb3626) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3626) checkAMB3626Frame "CCAE88"
(amb3626) no sensible telegram found, clearing buffer.
Newly created meter ( cc18266f lansenpu) did not handle telegram!
(meter) created unknown cc18266f not-encrypted
(wmbus) parseDLL @0 13
(wmbus) parseELL @10 3
(meter) : for me? cc18266f in cc18266f
(meter) : yes for me
(meter) (0) unknown handling telegram from cc18266f
(meter) cc18266f "0C46A9186F2618CC8E558CC4E9"
(wmbus) parseDLL @0 13
(telegram) DLL L=0c C=46 (from meter SND_IR) M=18a9 (FEI) A=cc18266f VER=8e TYPE=55 (Unknown) (driver unknown!) DEV=amb3626[00000000] RSSI=-85
(wmbus) parseELL @10 3
(telegram) ELL CI=8c CC=c4 (bidir fast_resp) ACC=e9
Auto driver : not found!
Best driver : 00/00
Using driver : 00/00
000 : 0c length (12 bytes)
001 : 46 dll-c (from meter SND_IR)
002 : a918 dll-mfct (FEI)
004 : 6f2618cc dll-id (cc18266f)
008 : 8e dll-version
009 : 55 dll-type (Unknown)
010 : 8c ell-ci-field (ELL: Extended Link Layer I (2 Byte))
011 : c4 ell-cc (bidir fast_resp)
012 : e9 ell-acc
The meter I would like to read (if is possible) is this one (there's a English description at the end of the pdf):
Here the log of wmbusmeters with "auto" parameter:
##### START LOG #########
build/wmbusmeters --nodeviceexit --debug --logtelegrams --analyze auto:n1c
(wmbusmeters) version: _
(config) number of meters: 0
(main) device /dev/ttyUSB0 not currently used, detect contents...
(serial) check if /dev/ttyUSB0 can be accessed
(serial) tty /dev/ttyUSB0 can be accessed
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB0 speed(B9600) input(ICRNL|IXON) output(ONLCR|OPOST) control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE|HUPCL) local(ECHO|ECHOCTL|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHOKE|ICANON|IEXTEN|ISIG) special_chars(3,28,127,21,4,1,17,19,26,18,15,23,22) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config: /dev/ttyUSB0 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB0 fd 3 (detect amb3665)
(serial) received binary ""
(amb3665) sending 6 bytes attempt 0
(serial /dev/ttyUSB0) sent "FF0A02008077"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(amb3665) sent 6 bytes OK
(amb3665) reading response... 1
(serial) received binary "FF8A8200800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0C3200021400FFFFFFFFFF010004000000FFFFFF01440000000000000000FFFF0B060100FFFFFFFFFF00"
(amb3665) not enough data for decoding ConfigAMB3665!
(amb3665) reading response... 2
(amb3665) proprely decoded ConfigAMB3665 response. Content: id=00000000 media=00 version=00 c_field=44 auto_rssi=00
(amb3665) found response at offset 0
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB0 (detect amb3665)
(amb3665) detect id=00000000 media=00 version=00 c_field=44 auto_rssi=00
(amb3665) are you there? yes 00000000
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(main) opening n1c,lora
Started auto amb3665[00000000] on /dev/ttyUSB0 listening on n1c,lora
(amb3665) on /dev/ttyUSB0
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB0 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config: /dev/ttyUSB0 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB0 fd 3 (amb3665)
(amb3665) get config
(serial /dev/ttyUSB0) sent "FF0A02008077"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary "FF8A82"
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8A82"
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 3 134.
(serial) received binary "00800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFF"
(amb3665) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8A8200800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFF"
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 19 134.
(amb3665) chunk time 16 msec
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8A8200800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0C"
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 34 134.
(serial) received binary "3200021400FFFFFFFFFF010004000000"
(amb3665) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8A8200800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0C3200021400FFFFFFFFFF010004000000"
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 50 134.
(serial) received binary "FFFFFF01440000000000000000FFFF"
(amb3665) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8A8200800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0C3200021400FFFFFFFFFF010004000000FFFFFF01440000000000000000FFFF"
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 65 134.
(serial) received binary "0B060100FFFFFFFFFF00020000FFFFFF"
(amb3665) chunk time 16 msec
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8A8200800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0C3200021400FFFFFFFFFF010004000000FFFFFF01440000000000000000FFFF0B060100FFFFFFFFFF00020000FFFFFF"
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 81 134.
(serial) received binary "FFFFFFFF0000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"
(amb3665) chunk time 16 msec
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8A8200800080710200000000FFFFFA00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0C3200021400FFFFFFFFFF010004000000FFFFFF01440000000000000000FFFF0B060100FFFFFFFFFF00020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 96 134.
(amb3665) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 111 134.
(amb3665) chunk time 16 msec
(amb3665) not enough bytes yet, partial command response 127 134.
(serial) received binary "FFFFFFFFFFFF18"
(amb3665) chunk time 15 msec
(amb3665) received full command frame
(amb3665) get config completed
(main) regular reset of amb3665 on /dev/ttyUSB0 will happen every 82800 seconds
(amb3665) set link mode 06
(serial /dev/ttyUSB0) sent "FF040106FC770000"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary "FF8401007A"
(amb3665) checkAMB3665Frame "FF8401007A"
(amb3665) received full command frame
(amb3665) set link mode completed
(amb3665) set link mode response "0100"
(wmbus) no alarm (expected activity) for amb3665
(serial) registered regular callback HOT_PLUG_DETECTOR(0) every 2 seconds
(serial) waiting for stop
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Thank you for the confirmation that it works. Can you collect a --debug log over 24 hours or so? The short telegram you posted here seems to be part of bi-directional communication. Do you know if it Do you know if it is encrypted? Which N-channel do you use for this meter? |
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Thank you for the confirmation that it works. Can you collect a --debug log over 24 hours or so?
I'll try in next days thx for the help.
The short telegram you posted here seems to be part of bi-directional communication. Do you know if it
is queried regularly, or if it is sending regularly without quering?
Unfortunately I'm experimenting without know how the meter communicate, I'm trying to catch the measure to control my gas usage but I don't know also if this is the right signal :P
Do you know if it is encrypted? Which N-channel do you use for this meter?
Unfortunately I don't know also this...
Which N-channel do you use for this meter?
I'm using N1c (or better, from specs, N2c link mode 6 TX+RX, N1c is only TX ), other channels seems to be mute.
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Hi, sorry for the delay, I was quite busy in those days.
Thank you for the confirmation that it works. Can you collect a --debug log over 24 hours or so?
The short telegram you posted here seems to be part of bi-directional communication. Do you know if it
is queried regularly, or if it is sending regularly without quering?
In the zip file there is a one day log captured with also timestamp on.
Really hard for me to understand if there is something useful...
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Hi, I really appreciate your work.
I bought an AMB3665-M USB Wireless M-BUS Adapter (the 169 MHz model), and so because wasn't detected I wrote a working module starting from your AMB8465 that is very similar.
I think is also compatible with the AMB3626-M but should be tested.
I put in attachment the patch to add the module to your project if you want to integrate it.
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