This module adds the option to add a recaptcha v2 invisible in your magento 1
- Name: OAG_Recaptcha
- Version: 1.0.0
- Tested On: Magento CE
- Clear the store cache under var/cache and all cookies for your store domain. Disable compilation if enabled. This step eliminates almost all potential problems. It’s necessary since Magento uses cache heavily.
- Backup your store database and web directory.
- Download and unzip extension contents on your computer and navigate inside the extracted folder.
- Using your FTP client upload content of "app", "design" & "skin" directories to "app", "design" "skin" directories inside your store root.
- Find your register.phtml file in your theme and add the next line at the end of form
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('oag-recaptcha-register'); ?>
- Install modman script (
- Execute command modman clone with the repository url
- Find your register.phtml file in your theme and add the next line at the end of form
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('oag-recaptcha-register'); ?>
This module uses observers in create customers accounts to check if recaptcha v2 (invisible) detects if user comes from a bot or not. To configure recaptcha values, you can do it in System -> Config section. If you don't configure Site Key/Secret Key, this module doesn't work and won't check if user is created from a bot or not