List of fixed issues and improvements
OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.15
Fixed the Delete button is not active on Customer page
Fixed Price rule API-documentation incomplete
Fixed right column fields positioned incorrectly on narrow screens
Fixed SEO keywords and description are not rendered at home page
Fixed iPad Pro - landscape view / The "QTY #" placeholder does not fit in the field in the matrix form for the configurable product
Extended html editor whitelist
Fixed broken layout when resizing a browser window on Create Product form on Backoffice
Fixed broken layout on the "Lead Statistics" widget when resizing a browser window
Fixed incorrect position of New Product icon on Page View page
Implemented Category Import
Implemented Customer Hierarchy Navigation
Fixed missing validation and no asterisk for required Account field of Customer entity
Fixed broken layout in the "Due date" field if resize "Add task" popup
Fixed Customer user email field is not configured as a contact information field
Fixed import of product images cannot mark new product image as main
Fixed styles broken in search result for "Email-User Relations" on Backoffice
Fixed the long name of “Unit of quantity” on RFQ form breaks the layout of the product price container
Fixed some products are not added to quick order form when pasting an order that contains SKU of the disabled product
Fixed excess blank space at the import validation pop-up of the quick order form while importing 300 products
Fixed product price value displayed with currency sign in the report
Improved detriment inventory option labels and description
Implemented automatically select product variant when navigating to PDP from shopping list or order
Fixed context disappears from Task after inline editing
Fixed Product image preview in backoffice does not work with disabled guest access
Fixed Out of Memory Exception when reindexing product from command line
Fixed Product image import fails with fatal error on invalid images
Fixed Customer user birth date is displayed with extra text
Fixed error in ImageResizeMessageProcessor::process
Fixed incorrect price calculation for products with "kilogram" unit of quantity with quantity dependent price
Fixed Customer parent ID not validated during import
Fixed username is included in account registration confirmation and reset links in emails
Fixed "removeFromCart"(GTM) event fires on the checkout when "Delete this shopping list" checked
Fixed workflow action send emails always with type "plain/text"
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