OSA DC is a decentralized, AI-driven blockchain platform that collects and analyzes data from retailers, manufacturers, consumers, and open data sources in real-time. You can find it on osadc.io This repo contains public blockchain solution we are using.
Compile smart contracts with truffle
cd blockchain\quorum
truffle compile
Generate java wrappers with web3j for needed files like in the example below.
web3j truffle generate --solidityTypes \contracts\OSA_VR_m_1.json -o blockchain\qproxy\src\main\java -p com.devchain.qproxy
Build with sbt
Install this components and versions
truffle 3.3.2 (with solc 4.11)
web3j 3.2.0
quorum 2.0.2
OSAdc uses private blockchain based on Quorum for internal hash and metrics publication. Every publications contains hash, which is also a key in key value database of KPI measures in retailer-vendor contracts. Qproxy is a REST interface for quorum blockchain with smart contracts, described in API section.
Publish a hash for data piece saved in OSA database in the contract for specified vendor-retailer pair
POST /v1/sc/<contract_name>/
{"vendor": "vendor hash"
,"retailer": "retailer hash"
,"target_value": 0.99
,"hash_tree_root": "hash"
,"metric_datetime": "<datetime>"
Get X statuses for partners
GET /v1/sc/<contract_name>/peer/<partner_hash>/values/365
{ "values":[["<hash_tree_root>","<target_value>"],["<hash_tree_root>","<target_value>""]
Create a contract with name and kpi set.
POST v2/sc
{"name": "OSA_T_Vendor_Retailer_1",
"kpi_values": [100,95,90,80,70],
"kpi_levels": [1,0.9,0.7,0.5,0],
"contract_price_per_day": 100,
"osa_price": 5
Vendor accepts the contract for x days
POST v2/sc/subscribe
{ "days": 100,
"vendor": "vendor_hash",
"retailer" : "retailer_hash"
Post a hash and make a calculations with OSA tech tokens. It's an internal technical token.
POST v2/sc/<name>
{ "target_value": 0.99,
"hash_tree_root": "hash",
"metric_datetime": "datetime"
- sbt - The scala build tool
- truffle - etherium and quorum development platfrom
- OpenZeppelin - Community audited smart contracts
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE.md file for details