Example project for the implementation of VIPER-B in iOS Swift. It's an application that uses github apis to get repos details. You can also login to your Github account and check you repos.
This project was developed on Xcode 11.4.1 using Swift 5 . Please run pod install after cloning the repo and checking out to master for running the project.
It's an application that let user query public github repositories. User can also view the forks by tapping the repository. Every Single request is paginated and show 30 repositories in a single call after which user must have to tap show more cell for viewwing further repositories. It's build on the VIPER architecture and and every module's interactor and presenter are unit tested.
- Alamofire
- SDWebImageView
- NVActivityIndicatorView
In case of any query feel free to contact @ osama.binbashir@yahoo.com