I have a great passion 😃💻 for learning languages, frameworks and new technologies. In addition to that, I enjoy 😊 designing websites and bringing them to life with various technologies, Software Engineer👩💻, with a love for React and Redux and Next, and also a Node/Express creative coder and self-proclaimed designer who specializes in front-end development. I make it my mission to translate user-focused designs into pixel-perfect websites or applications🍀 that run blazing fast. Open to new opportunities.🚀💯
🎓 I have a master's degree in Computer Science (networks & distributed systems). Obtained from the University of Constantine2, Algeria.
👩💻 I have a Full-Stack Software Developement certificate, obtained from Microverse.
❤️ Love to work with JS | React | Redux | Next | Node/Express |RoR
🌱 Passionate about building dynamic and responsive web applications
💻 All my projects are available here.
✨ Interests: coding, art, video games.
🌎 Collaborating remotely with developers from various locations
🚀 Check out my portfolio.
📫 Reach me on:
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I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊