A text-to-image generator wrapper for tiny-osbjs.
npm i @osbjs/tiny-osbjs @osbjs/txtgen-tiny-osbjs
Create a text generator context and set it for use. Make sure to clear the output folder after you create the context.
import { createTxtGenContext, useTxtGenContext } from '@osbjs/txtgen-tiny-osbjs'
const txtGenContext = createTxtGenContext('sb/lyrics', 'path/to/beatmap/folder', {
name: 'Arial',
size: 72,
isItalic: false,
padding: {
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0
You can now create text images. createText
will call createSprite
under the hood.
import { createText } from '@osbjs/txtgen-tiny-osbjs'
createText('Hello', Layer.Background, Origin.Centre, [320, 240], () => {
fade([0, 1000], 0, 1)
You can have multiple text generator context and switch between them if needed.
import { createTxtGenContext, useTxtGenContext } from '@osbjs/txtgen-tiny-osbjs'
const font1Context = createTxtGenContext()
const font2Context = createTxtGenContext()
// createText with font1...
// createText with font2...
// createText with font1...
// etc...
If you want to use non-system fonts, specify it before creating and using context.
import { createText, useFont } from '@osbjs/txtgen-tiny-osbjs'
useFont('FontName.ttf', 'FontName')
const txtGenContext = createTxtGenContext('sb/lyrics', 'path/to/beatmap/folder', {
name: 'Arial',
size: 72,
isItalic: false,
padding: {
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0
// createText...
If you need to calculate line width/height of a straight line of text, we've got you covered.
import { measureLineWidth, measureLineHeight, createText } from '@osbjs/txtgen-tiny-osbjs'
let text = 'Hello'
const lineWidth = measureLineWidth(text),
lineHeight = measureLineHeight(text, (prevHeight, currentHeight) => Math.max(prevHeight, currentHeight))
let letterX = 320 - lineWidth / 2
// createText...
function createTxtGenContext(osbFolderPath: string, beatmapFolderPath: string, fontProps: FontProps): TextGeneratorContext
type FontProps = {
name: string
size: number
padding: Padding
isItalic: boolean
Create a new text generator context.
- osbFolderPath: Subfolder where the images will be generated into.
- beatmapFolderPath: Full path to beatmap folder.
- fontProps: Font properties used to generate text.
function useTxtGenContext(context: TextGeneratorContext)
Specify the text generator context to use.
function createText(
text: string,
layer: Layer,
origin: Origin,
initialPosition: Vector2,
invokeFunction: (
textImage: TextImage,
getTopLeftPosition: (position: Vector2, scale?: number) => Vector2
) => void
function createOutlineText(
text: string,
layer: Layer,
origin: Origin,
initialPosition: Vector2,
invokeFunction: (
textImage: TextImage,
getTopLeftPosition: (position: Vector2, scale?: number) => Vector2
) => void
type TextImage = {
width: number
height: number
text: string
path: string
osbPath: string
isOutline: boolean
Create a new sprite for a given text. It's recommended to use seperate contexts if you are using both createText
and createOutlineText
function ejectAllTextImages()
Eject all text images into osu storyboard folder. This returns a promise which will be fulfilled once every text image is ejected.
function useFont(path: string, family: string)
Specify a non-system font to use.
function clearOutputFolder(context: TextGeneratorContext)
Clear output folder of this current context. This should be called once for each text generator context right after it is created.
function measureLineWidth(
line: string,
mode: 'char' | 'word' | any = 'char',
reducer: (prevWidth: number, currentWidth: number) => number = (prevWidth, currentWidth) => prevWidth + currentWidth
function measureLineHeight(
line: string,
mode: 'char' | 'word' | any = 'char',
reducer: (prevHeight: number, currentHeight: number) => number = (prevHeight, currentHeight) => prevHeight + currentHeight
Get total line width/height by calling reducer on each character/word in the line of text. It will default to character mode if mode
is specified with anything but 'char' or 'word'.
function maxLineWidth(line: string, mode: 'char' | 'word' | any = 'char')
function maxLineHeight(line: string, mode: 'char' | 'word' | any = 'char')
Get the maximum width/height of each character/word of the line of text. It will default to character mode if mode
is specified with anything but 'char' or 'word'.