Porpuse of this course:
- Build an application network using API-led connectivity and Anypoint Platform
Usage of Anypoint Platform
- As a central repository for the discovery and reuse of assets
- To build apps to consume assets and connect systems
- To take an API through its complete development lifecycle
Use of Anypoint Studio
- Connect to databases, files, web services, SaaS apps, JMS queues, & more
- Transform data using DataWeave, the transformation language
- Add application logic and handle errors
- Structure applications to facilitate development and deployment
- Handle batch data processing
- It is a new operating model that emphasizes on consumption and production
- Can have ease of consumption and development
- It enables the connections for multiple applications with same APIs,
- Produce composable (system design principle, whic provides components that can be selected and assembled in variouscombinations to satisfyspecific user requirements) APIs.
- A web app retrieves information from already created APIs
- Are accesible and discoverable using a web platform and testing them without writting any code, which is Anypoint Platform
Web service is a method of communication that allows two software systems to exchange data over the internet
REST - Representational State Transfer, which refers to the fundamentals structures of a software system that uses HTTP methods to access resources and the use of JSON-JavaScript Object Noation and XML-Extensible Markup Languageto transmit data.
Are data and resources (assets) represented by an URI-Uniform Resource Identificator.
Resources are accessed or changed using fixed set of operations such as HTTP methods.
When using it, will be use to retrieve data using HTTP Status codes:
ARC can be use to make 2 types of calls:
- Secured: call to an API implementation
- Unsecured: call to an API proxy