Filezone is a lightweight library built on top of javascript to handle files in html forms.
- Image thumbnail previews.
- File validation.
First of all include filezone.js in the end of body element (before closing body element.)
In a simple way just create a div element and give it a filezone class. Filezone automatically search for all elements inside the document with class filezone then render them. After creating element with filezone class, Initialize a new Filezone object.
<form method="post" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="filezone"></div>
<script src="filezone.js"></script>
var fileHandler = new Filezone();
- filezone-placeholder to change the default displayed text in filezone box just add filezone-placeholder attribute and give it a text you want.
filezone-placeholder="click here to choose your profile image."></div>
- filezone-input-name by default Filezone creates a new input element with type file and give it file name. to change the name file just add attibute filezone-input-name and give it the name of input as you want.
<div class="filezone" filezone-input-name="profile_image"></div>
- Other example -
filezone-placeholder="Click to choose your certificate document."></div>
- More attributes comming soon...
Instead of giving default filezone class to the element you can use options for more control of the filezone box. just pass a JSON Object of options to the Filezone constructor.
Available Filezone options are:
class instead of giving the class name filezone to element you can use any class name, and identify the class name you used to Filezone in option class. Example:
<div class="images" filezone-input-name="profile_images" filezone-placeholder="Click to choose your profile image"></div> <div class="images" filezone-input-name="other_image" filezone-placeholder="Click to choose your Other image"></div> <div class="files" filezone-input-name="certificate_document" filezone-placeholder="Click to choose your certificate document"></div> <script src="filezone.js"></script> <script> var imagesHandler = new Filezone({ class: "images" }); var filesHandler = new Filezone({ class: "files" }); </script>
placeholder instead of using inline attribute filezone-placeholder foreach element, you can use placeholder option to display one global text for all elements.
var fileHandler = new Filezone({ placeholder: "Click to choose file or image." });
Or for all element with same class name
var fileHandler = new Filezone({ class: "files-images", placeholder: "Click to choose file or image." });
style to change default Filezone box style use style option. For now 5 styles are available:
- border : true|false. disable or enable box border true is default.
- borderColor : chnage Filezone box border color.
- textColor : change text color.
- backgroundColor : give a Filezone box a background color you want. gray is default.
- boderStyle : change Filezone box border style all css border styles are valid (none|groove|dotted|dashed|solid|inset|outset|double|ridge|hidden). groove is default.
var fileHandler = new Filezone({ class: "files-images", placeholder: "Click to choose file or image.", style: { border: true, boderStyle: "dashed", borderColor: "red", backgroundColor: "green", textColor: "silver" } });
More options comming soon...
I realize that there are other libraries out there but the reason I decided to write my own are the following:
- I want to seprate file handling in forms with multiple input components.
- Not automating upload when files were dropped in. Upload only when from submit event fired with other form input fields.
- I want to design my own file handling way.
Version 0.0.1-dev