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92 lines (80 loc) · 4.41 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (80 loc) · 4.41 KB


Bug backlog

  • Bug: When moving lines with Ctrl + up/down arrow, the window won't scroll up/down.
  • Bug: List movement is broken in 202104122000878
  • Bug: CJK input doesn't work on blank lines: consider using <br> for empty line
  • Bug: emoji (and other unicode characters) got split in caret movement. Consider using default arrow key handling.
  • Bug: Chinese character causes line height to jump.
  • Bug: Ctrl + c can't access clipboard in http mode. (legacy copy command causes focus lost)
  • Bug: scrollbar has no hover effect and a wrong cursor style
  • Bug: when spellcheck auto-fix, event type insertReplacementText won't trigger dirty state

Code health

  • Parser testing
  • Test (need real dom: playwright/cypress)
    • How to mock dom measure?
  • Refactor command menu directives:
    • Port testing helpers to browser
    • Open url and insert on save should be refactored into two directives:
      • data-url (string) and data-action ("open"|"insert-on-save")
  • How does command bar and keyboard shortcut share code?
    • Command bar should own its own keyboard shortcut service.
    • Input service should focus on handling text editing inputs, not command.
  • Refactor git utilities. They are a mess
  • Redesign and refactor core API to improve scalability


  • Node package: ship a bin file and support npx @osmoscraft/osmosnote.
  • Workflow: Use single console logger with color, symbol, and verbosity control
  • Workflow: Fully preserver selection state after formatting
  • List auto indent fixing
  • UI managed metadata entry
    • Design interaction pattern
  • Push git step status to client from server
  • Search ranking algorithm is way off. Need to improve accuracy for literal match.
  • IDE: a deleted note should be marked as "Deleted" in status
  • Consider using orange border to indicate dirty document
  • A fraction of delay after entering any command that waits for server.
  • URL search needs debouncer. Invalid url blocks UI
  • Strong need to curate a list based on tags
  • Consider support shortcut to insert current time or date
  • Use History Service to track every keypress and use debouncer to improve performance
  • Customizable home page with blocks of queries
  • Note refactoring system: rename title, delete
  • Display per line dirty status in gutter
  • Add demo repo content to template repo
  • Backtick inline code snippet
  • Tag suggestion based on content
  • Link suggestion based on tags
  • After navigation back, scroll position is lost
  • Validate metadata on-save
  • alt + shift + arrow to increase/decrease selection scope: word, line, section, all
  • Unicode: emoji takes two arrow presses to skip over
  • Unicode: backspace on emoji splits the unicode
  • Unicode: when line is empty, typing with IME breaks line ending


  • Core: Use real anchor to represent links for improved a11y. Need to disable focus.
  • Control + left seems to greedy when to prev. line
  • Ctrl + delete is too agressive when handling white spaces
  • Heading and list item themselves cannot wrap with multi-row indent.
    • Move # into the padding so heading lines can wrap without breaking indentation
  • Simplied internal API
    • Efficiently convert DOM layer node and offset into plaintext layer offset
    • Incrementally read more lines while in plaintext layer
    • Efficiently convert plaintext layer offset into DOM layer node and offset
  • Embedded virtual blocks
    • Query block
  • Read-only query-driven notes
  • CJK compatibility mode: avoid visual travel
  • codify block quote symbol ">"
  • Compiler: Require space after link
    • When line ends with link, insert a new line at the end causes link to open
    • When document ends with link, you can't add a new line without adding a space after the last link
  • Core: Experiment: zero width space as line-end in UI while keeping \n in source. (Failed due to select indiciator becoming invisible on zero width space).
  • Use mutation observer to handle line update AFTER user enters the data. Only intercept events that could cause the line dom to change. Ref:

Overarching issues

  • Difficult to decide between A link to B or B link to A.

Project North star

  • CJK support (need pixel based column calc or unicode char visual length detection)
  • Display local menu next to caret
  • Live compiling for loading typescript extensions
  • Visualized graph traveling (node <-> link <-> node)
  • Eliminate manual linking via proximity detection and NLP pattern detection