This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Below you will find some information on how to perform common tasks.
You can find the most recent version of this guide here.
Currently ${FONTAWESOME_TOKEN} is an environment variable. Add it to your .bashrc .zshrc or preferred file of choice.
- Go to the server directory and read its README
- Run
export NODE_ENV=production
- To clear this run
unset NODE_ENV
- NOTE: We only need this if we want to test SAML and CANVAS OAUTH on our local machine
- To clear this run
Use .env
to set the development servers hostname so that the browser is automatically opened to the proper url during development and testing.
- Copy
then start the application
$ cp .env.example .env
$ yarn start
dx-monorepo instructions in it's own README however tldr:
- After making the changes run
yarn build
in the git root (not the individual package)
You need to modify package.json to work with the dx-monorepo locally:
In DX package.json:
- Use local copy of dx-monorepo
"@osu-wams/hooks": "file:../dx-monorepo/packages/hooks",
"@osu-wams/lib": "file:../dx-monorepo/packages/lib",
- You might need to do
rm -rf node_modules
to get it to work nicely with the local version - Run
yarn install
- If there is a problem confirm your
file calls your local version instead of the npm package
Tests should use this render
method provided by src/util/test-utils.tsx
import { waitForElement } from '@testing-library/react';
import { renderWithAllContexts as render } from '/src/util/test-utils'; // replace /src with relative path
// An example test
it('should render the resources page', async () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<Resources />);
We have a simple docker onfig to be able to run production build locally. This is useful for testing IE / Edge on virtual machines, or troubleshoot anything that requires the compiled build code.
- Run
yarn build
- Run
docker-compose up -d
- Note: do this instead of
yarn start