Small react native app to check articles that have been submitted or automatically retrieved and decide manually what to post to a news aggregator only dog news.
This is an internal tool intended also as a testbed for me to try react native while actually making something I can use.
You may find bits of code you'd like to check/copy - be my guest
This project is a multiplatform react native mobile application. The number of dependencies and the fragility of the ecosystem (like all other mobile multi platform systems) make it particularly tricky to install and setup. I recommend using package managers to make sure the correct version is installed of every dependency.
This project requires:
- Node JS (for react)
- XCode (iOS)
- Android SDK
I recommend using nvm to setup node. Just install it and then run nvm i
from the root of the project. Alternatively install the latest node 10.x any other way.
I recommend jEnv to setup java if you'll have multiple versions. If not, just make sure to have java 1.8+ installed.
- Confirmed to work under linux with openjdk 11.
Note that react native used to require specifically java 1.8.x, which was very annoying if you are a developer. If there's issues with java you can always try with that. On Mac OS X you can get it by installing the brew package manager and running
brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
The best way to get Android running is to install the whole Android Studio app. This will install everything you need.
Check the notes for some tips and tricks in case of problems.
To create native iOS builds you will need to have XCode installed.
This project uses some of the Icons from Font Awesome, retrieved via the package react-native-vector-icons,
as this makes the repo smaller.
Once the node packages have been installed with node i
or node ci
, you'll need to copy them over to the assets folder:
npm run fontawesome
Note that this runs a script from package.json
cp node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/FontAwesome*.ttf android/app/src/main/assets/fonts/
React native recommends having watchman installed
The installation in Linux is as follows:
# ubuntu 20.04+
sudo apt install -y watchman
# other distros if they lack watchman
git clone
cd watchman
git checkout v4.9.0 # or wahtever the latest stable release
sudo make install
This will leave it installed in /usr/local/bin/watchman
npx react-native run-ios
or- Open dognews_checker/ios/dognews_checker.xcodeproj in Xcode or run "xed -b ios"
- Hit the Run button
More here in the official guide
- Have an Android emulator running (quickest way to get started), or a device connected.
npx react-native run-android
- If it fails, remember to make java 1.8 the selected one, run
jenv local 1.8
before.- If it says
> No connected devices!
use Android Studio to launch a simulator, or plug one in.
The Visual Studio Code extensions for react help a lot, simply install the React Native Tools extension by Microsoft. It allows to debug while running on the device and works for both Android and iOS.
npm run bundle-android
npm run bundle-ios
This simply runs this script from package.json:
npx react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
Releasing the application in android needs a bit of love, haven't needed to do it yet. Check the official guide