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tod-p2m: Torrent-On-Demand Streaming Platform

Go Report Card GoDoc License: MIT Build Status Coverage Status Docker Pulls

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Key Features
  3. System Architecture
  4. Installation and Setup
  5. Configuration
  6. API Reference
  7. Usage Examples
  8. Performance Optimization
  9. Security Considerations
  10. Monitoring and Logging
  11. Testing Strategy
  12. Deployment
  13. Contributing
  14. Versioning
  15. License
  16. Acknowledgments
  17. Support and Contact

1. Introduction

tod-p2m (Torrent-On-Demand Streaming Platform) is a high-performance, scalable application designed for streaming media content directly from torrent files. Built with Go, it leverages the power of BitTorrent protocol to provide seamless, on-demand access to a wide range of media formats including video, audio, images, and documents.

1.1 Purpose

The primary goal of tod-p2m is to offer a robust, efficient, and user-friendly solution for streaming torrent-based content, eliminating the need for complete downloads before playback. This platform is ideal for applications requiring quick access to large media files, such as video-on-demand services, digital libraries, or content distribution networks.

1.2 Target Audience

  • Software developers building media streaming applications
  • System administrators managing content delivery networks
  • Researchers working on peer-to-peer technologies
  • Media companies looking for efficient content distribution solutions

2. Key Features

  • Magnet Link Support: Seamless integration with magnet links for instant content access.
  • Multi-Protocol Streaming:
    • HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) for adaptive bitrate streaming
    • HTTP byte-range requests for progressive downloading
  • Format Versatility: Support for various media formats including video (MP4, WebM), audio (MP3, OGG), images (JPEG, PNG), and documents (PDF, TXT).
  • Dynamic Rate Limiting: Configurable bandwidth management for both download and upload streams.
  • Intelligent Caching: Sophisticated caching mechanisms to optimize resource usage and enhance performance.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Built-in CORS support for seamless integration with web applications.
  • Concurrent Connection Handling: Efficient management of multiple simultaneous connections leveraging Go's concurrency model.
  • Real-time Analytics: Detailed metrics and analytics for monitoring system performance and user engagement.

3. System Architecture

tod-p2m is built on a modular, microservices-oriented architecture, ensuring scalability, maintainability, and ease of deployment.

3.1 High-Level Architecture Diagram

┌─────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐
│    API Gateway  │   │  Torrent Engine │   │  Media Streamer │
│                 │   │                 │   │                 │
│  ┌───────────┐  │   │  ┌───────────┐  │   │  ┌───────────┐  │
│  │ Rate      │  │   │  │ Torrent   │  │   │  │ HLS       │  │
│  │ Limiter   │◄─┼───┼─▶│ Manager   │◄─┼───┼─▶│ Generator │  │
│  └───────────┘  │   │  └───────────┘  │   │  └───────────┘  │
│                 │   │                 │   │                 │
│  ┌───────────┐  │   │  ┌───────────┐  │   │  ┌───────────┐  │
│  │ Auth      │  │   │  │ Piece     │  │   │  │ MIME      │  │
│  │ Middleware│  │   │  │ Selector  │  │   │  │ Handler   │  │
│  └───────────┘  │   │  └───────────┘  │   │  └───────────┘  │
└─────────────────┘   └─────────────────┘   └─────────────────┘
         ▲                     ▲                     ▲
         │                     │                     │
                   │      Storage&DB       │

3.2 Component Descriptions

  • API Gateway: Handles incoming requests, authentication, and rate limiting.
  • Torrent Engine: Manages torrent downloads, piece selection, and peer communication.
  • Media Streamer: Responsible for adaptive streaming and format-specific handling.
  • Database: Stores metadata and caching data.

3.3 Technology Stack

  • Backend: Go 1.18+
  • Frameworks:
  • Logging: zerolog
  • Database: Redis for caching, PostgreSQL for persistent storage
  • Containerization: Docker
  • Orchestration: Kubernetes (optional for large-scale deployments)

4. Installation and Setup

4.1 Prerequisites

  • Go 1.18 or higher
  • Docker and Docker Compose (for containerized deployment)
  • Git

4.2 Local Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd tod-p2m
  2. Install dependencies:

    go mod download
  3. Build the application:

    go build -o tod-p2m ./cmd/server
  4. Run the application:


4.3 Docker Installation

  1. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t tod-p2m:latest .
  2. Run the container:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/config:/app/config tod-p2m:latest

5. Configuration

tod-p2m uses a YAML configuration file and environment variables for flexible setup.

5.1 Configuration File (config.yaml)

  port: 8080
  host: ""

  level: "info"
  format: "json"

  max_connections: 100
  download_rate_limit: 0  # 0 means unlimited
  upload_rate_limit: 0
  cache_size: 100  # Number of torrents to keep in cache
  cleanup_interval: "10m"

  hls_segment_duration: 10
  buffer_size: 1048576  # 1MB

  enable_cors: true
  allowed_origins: ["*"]

  type: "postgres"
  dsn: "postgres://user:password@localhost/tod_p2m?sslmode=disable"

  address: "localhost:6379"
  password: ""
  db: 0

5.2 Environment Variables

Environment variables override config file settings. Use the prefix TOD_P2M_ for all variables.


export TOD_P2M_SERVER_PORT=9090
export TOD_P2M_LOGGING_LEVEL=debug

6. API Reference

Detailed API documentation is available in the API Reference document. Here's a summary of the main endpoints:

  • GET /torrent/{infoHash}: Retrieve torrent metadata
  • GET /stream/{infoHash}/{fileID}: Stream a file via HTTP
  • GET /hls/{infoHash}/{fileID}/playlist.m3u8: Get HLS playlist
  • GET /hls/{infoHash}/{fileID}/{segmentID}.ts: Get HLS segment
  • GET /document/{infoHash}/{fileID}: Stream a document
  • GET /image/{infoHash}/{fileID}: Stream an image

7. Usage Examples

7.1 Streaming a Video

const videoPlayer = document.getElementById('video-player');
const infoHash = '1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678';
const fileID = 0;

videoPlayer.src = `http://localhost:8080/hls/${infoHash}/${fileID}/playlist.m3u8`;;

7.2 Fetching Torrent Metadata

curl http://localhost:8080/torrent/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678


  "infoHash": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",
  "name": "Big Buck Bunny",
  "files": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "big_buck_bunny.mp4",
      "size": 276445467,
      "progress": 0.15

8. Performance Optimization

tod-p2m implements several strategies to ensure high performance and efficient resource utilization:

8.1 Caching

  • In-memory caching of frequently accessed torrent metadata
  • Disk caching of popular content pieces to reduce network overhead

8.2 Connection Pooling

  • Reuse of BitTorrent peer connections to minimize handshake overhead
  • Database connection pooling for efficient resource management

8.3 Asynchronous Processing

  • Non-blocking I/O operations leveraging Go's goroutines
  • Parallel processing of multiple torrent pieces

8.4 Load Balancing

  • Round-robin DNS for distributing incoming requests across multiple instances
  • Consistent hashing for efficient content distribution in clustered deployments

9. Security Considerations

9.1 Input Validation

All user inputs, including infoHashes and file IDs, are strictly validated to prevent injection attacks.

9.2 Rate Limiting

IP-based rate limiting is implemented to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage.


HTTPS is strongly recommended for production deployments. Refer to HTTPS Setup Guide for implementation details.

9.4 Access Control

Implement appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms when deploying in production environments.

10. Monitoring and Logging

10.1 Logging

tod-p2m uses structured logging with zerolog. Log levels are configurable, and logs can be easily integrated with log aggregation systems like ELK stack or Splunk.

10.2 Metrics

Key metrics are exposed via a /metrics endpoint in Prometheus format, including:

  • Active connections
  • Torrents in cache
  • Bandwidth usage
  • Request latencies

10.3 Health Checks

A /health endpoint is provided for monitoring the application's health status.

11. Testing Strategy

11.1 Unit Testing

Run unit tests with:

go test ./...

11.2 Integration Testing

Run integration tests with:

go test -tags=integration ./...

11.3 Load Testing

Refer to the Load Testing Guide for instructions on performing load tests using tools like Apache JMeter or Gatling.

12. Deployment

12.1 Containerized Deployment

Refer to the Docker Deployment Guide for detailed instructions on deploying tod-p2m using Docker.

13. Contributing

We welcome contributions to tod-p2m! Please refer to our Contributing Guidelines for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.

14. Versioning

We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

15. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

16. Acknowledgments

  • The anacrolix/torrent library for providing the core BitTorrent functionality.
  • The Go community for their excellent libraries and tools.

17. Support and Contact

For support, please open an issue in the GitHub repository or contact the maintainers at

tod-p2m is continually evolving to meet the demands of modern content delivery. We encourage community feedback and contributions to help make this project even better.