This repo contains a minimalistic Node.js cli app biolerplate to quickly get started with creating your next cli app ✨
Clone this repository:
git clone cd cli-template npm link
Try running a command:
cli-template start a b --force
Commands are define in ./lib/commands/*.js
. This template includes a simple command called start (the same command you tried above ☝️) which you can use as a template for your next commands. Simply make a copy of start.js file and update properties of the command:
exports.command = 'start <foo> [bar]'; // <--- This is where you define the command name and args
// <foo> is a required, and [bar] is optional
exports.desc = 'This is the start command'; // <--- The command description shown when you run `--help`
exports.builder = yargs => {
yargs.options({ // <--- Add as many options you need here
force: {
alias: ['f', 'ff'],
describe: 'Description for force options',
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
// <--- optionally add an example to `--help` command
yargs.example(`$0 start foo`, `Example of how to use this command`);
exports.handler = async argv => {
const { foo, bar, force } = argv; // <--- In this command handler you can get the cli args and
// use them to implement the command actions
console.log({foo, bar, force});
Note: the command name is what you specify in
property of the file, not the name of the file you create.
Since we are using Yargs for creating these commands, by setting the properties mentioned above, we will also get a nice --help
command automatically:
$ cli-template start --help
cli-template start <foo> [bar]
This is the start command
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--force, -f, --ff Description for force options [boolean] [default: false]
cli-template start foo Example of how to use this command
This template also includes basic setup for your integration tests. You can find an example of running this cli-template
app in ./test/test.js
$ npm test
PASS test/test.js
Run start command
✓ Running `$ cli-template start a b --force` (80 ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.948 s, estimated 1 s
Ran all test suites.