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File metadata and controls

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Schema Docs

Type: : object Description: Config represents the configuration of the entire Hermez Node The file is TOML format You could find some examples:

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- IsTrustedSequencer No boolean No - This define is a trusted node (`true`) or a permission less (`false`). If you don't known
set to `false`
- ForkUpgradeBatchNumber No integer No - Last batch number before a forkid change (fork upgrade). That implies that
greater batch numbers are going to be trusted but no virtualized neither verified.
So after the batch number `ForkUpgradeBatchNumber` is virtualized and verified you could update
the system (SC,...) to new forkId and remove this value to allow the system to keep
Virtualizing and verifying the new batchs.
Check issue #2236 to known more
This value overwrite `SequenceSender.ForkUpgradeBatchNumber`
- ForkUpgradeNewForkId No integer No - Which is the new forkId
- Log No object No - Configure Log level for all the services, allow also to store the logs in a file
- Etherman No object No - Configuration of the etherman (client for access L1)
- EthTxManager No object No - Configuration for ethereum transaction manager
- Pool No object No - Pool service configuration
- RPC No object No - Configuration for RPC service. THis one offers a extended Ethereum JSON-RPC API interface to interact with the node
- Synchronizer No object No - Configuration of service `Syncrhonizer`. For this service is also really important the value of `IsTrustedSequencer`
because depending of this values is going to ask to a trusted node for trusted transactions or not
- Sequencer No object No - Configuration of the sequencer service
- SequenceSender No object No - Configuration of the sequence sender service
- Aggregator No object No - Configuration of the aggregator service
- NetworkConfig No object No - Configuration of the genesis of the network. This is used to known the initial state of the network
- L2GasPriceSuggester No object No - Configuration of the gas price suggester service
- Executor No object No - Configuration of the executor service
- MTClient No object No - Configuration of the merkle tree client service. Not use in the node, only for testing
- StateDB No object No - Configuration of the state database connection
- Metrics No object No - Configuration of the metrics service, basically is where is going to publish the metrics
- EventLog No object No - Configuration of the event database connection
- HashDB No object No - Configuration of the hash database connection

1. IsTrustedSequencer

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: This define is a trusted node (true) or a permission less (false). If you don't known set to false

Example setting the default value (false):


2. ForkUpgradeBatchNumber

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: Last batch number before a forkid change (fork upgrade). That implies that greater batch numbers are going to be trusted but no virtualized neither verified. So after the batch number ForkUpgradeBatchNumber is virtualized and verified you could update the system (SC,...) to new forkId and remove this value to allow the system to keep Virtualizing and verifying the new batchs. Check issue #2236 to known more This value overwrite SequenceSender.ForkUpgradeBatchNumber

Example setting the default value (0):


3. ForkUpgradeNewForkId

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: Which is the new forkId

Example setting the default value (0):


4. [Log]

Type: : object Description: Configure Log level for all the services, allow also to store the logs in a file

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Environment No enum (of string) No - Environment defining the log format ("production" or "development").
In development mode enables development mode (which makes DPanicLevel logs panic), uses a console encoder, writes to standard error, and disables sampling. Stacktraces are automatically included on logs of WarnLevel and above.
Check here
- Level No enum (of string) No - Level of log. As lower value more logs are going to be generated
- Outputs No array of string No - Outputs

4.1. Log.Environment

Type: : enum (of string)

Default: "development"

Description: Environment defining the log format ("production" or "development"). In development mode enables development mode (which makes DPanicLevel logs panic), uses a console encoder, writes to standard error, and disables sampling. Stacktraces are automatically included on logs of WarnLevel and above. Check here

Example setting the default value ("development"):


Must be one of:

  • "production"
  • "development"

4.2. Log.Level

Type: : enum (of string)

Default: "info"

Description: Level of log. As lower value more logs are going to be generated

Example setting the default value ("info"):


Must be one of:

  • "debug"
  • "info"
  • "warn"
  • "error"
  • "dpanic"
  • "panic"
  • "fatal"

4.3. Log.Outputs

Type: : array of string

Default: ["stderr"]

Description: Outputs

Example setting the default value (["stderr"]):


5. [Etherman]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the etherman (client for access L1)

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- URL No string No - URL is the URL of the Ethereum node for L1
- ForkIDChunkSize No integer No - ForkIDChunkSize is the max interval for each call to L1 provider to get the forkIDs
- MultiGasProvider No boolean No - allow that L1 gas price calculation use multiples sources
- Etherscan No object No - Configuration for use Etherscan as used as gas provider, basically it needs the API-KEY

5.1. Etherman.URL

Type: : string

Default: "http://localhost:8545"

Description: URL is the URL of the Ethereum node for L1

Example setting the default value ("http://localhost:8545"):


5.2. Etherman.ForkIDChunkSize

Type: : integer

Default: 20000

Description: ForkIDChunkSize is the max interval for each call to L1 provider to get the forkIDs

Example setting the default value (20000):


5.3. Etherman.MultiGasProvider

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: allow that L1 gas price calculation use multiples sources

Example setting the default value (false):


5.4. [Etherman.Etherscan]

Type: : object Description: Configuration for use Etherscan as used as gas provider, basically it needs the API-KEY

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- ApiKey No string No - Need API key to use etherscan, if it's empty etherscan is not used
- Url No string No - URL of the etherscan API. Overwritten with a hardcoded URL: ""

5.4.1. Etherman.Etherscan.ApiKey

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Need API key to use etherscan, if it's empty etherscan is not used

Example setting the default value (""):


5.4.2. Etherman.Etherscan.Url

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: URL of the etherscan API. Overwritten with a hardcoded URL: ""

Example setting the default value (""):


6. [EthTxManager]

Type: : object Description: Configuration for ethereum transaction manager

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- FrequencyToMonitorTxs No string No - Duration
- WaitTxToBeMined No string No - Duration
- PrivateKeys No array of object No - PrivateKeys defines all the key store files that are going
to be read in order to provide the private keys to sign the L1 txs
- ForcedGas No integer No - ForcedGas is the amount of gas to be forced in case of gas estimation error
- GasPriceMarginFactor No number No - GasPriceMarginFactor is used to multiply the suggested gas price provided by the network
in order to allow a different gas price to be set for all the transactions and making it
easier to have the txs prioritized in the pool, default value is 1.

suggested gas price: 100
GasPriceMarginFactor: 1
gas price = 100

suggested gas price: 100
GasPriceMarginFactor: 1.1
gas price = 110
- MaxGasPriceLimit No integer No - MaxGasPriceLimit helps avoiding transactions to be sent over an specified
gas price amount, default value is 0, which means no limit.
If the gas price provided by the network and adjusted by the GasPriceMarginFactor
is greater than this configuration, transaction will have its gas price set to
the value configured in this config as the limit.


suggested gas price: 100
gas price margin factor: 20%
max gas price limit: 150
tx gas price = 120

suggested gas price: 100
gas price margin factor: 20%
max gas price limit: 110
tx gas price = 110

6.1. EthTxManager.FrequencyToMonitorTxs

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1s"

Description: FrequencyToMonitorTxs frequency of the resending failed txs



Example setting the default value ("1s"):


6.2. EthTxManager.WaitTxToBeMined

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "2m0s"

Description: WaitTxToBeMined time to wait after transaction was sent to the ethereum



Example setting the default value ("2m0s"):


6.3. EthTxManager.PrivateKeys

Type: : array of object Description: PrivateKeys defines all the key store files that are going to be read in order to provide the private keys to sign the L1 txs

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
PrivateKeys items KeystoreFileConfig has all the information needed to load a private key from a key store file

6.3.1. [EthTxManager.PrivateKeys.PrivateKeys items]

Type: : object Description: KeystoreFileConfig has all the information needed to load a private key from a key store file

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Path No string No - Path is the file path for the key store file
- Password No string No - Password is the password to decrypt the key store file EthTxManager.PrivateKeys.PrivateKeys items.Path

Type: : string Description: Path is the file path for the key store file EthTxManager.PrivateKeys.PrivateKeys items.Password

Type: : string Description: Password is the password to decrypt the key store file

6.4. EthTxManager.ForcedGas

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: ForcedGas is the amount of gas to be forced in case of gas estimation error

Example setting the default value (0):


6.5. EthTxManager.GasPriceMarginFactor

Type: : number

Default: 1

Description: GasPriceMarginFactor is used to multiply the suggested gas price provided by the network in order to allow a different gas price to be set for all the transactions and making it easier to have the txs prioritized in the pool, default value is 1.

ex: suggested gas price: 100 GasPriceMarginFactor: 1 gas price = 100

suggested gas price: 100 GasPriceMarginFactor: 1.1 gas price = 110

Example setting the default value (1):


6.6. EthTxManager.MaxGasPriceLimit

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: MaxGasPriceLimit helps avoiding transactions to be sent over an specified gas price amount, default value is 0, which means no limit. If the gas price provided by the network and adjusted by the GasPriceMarginFactor is greater than this configuration, transaction will have its gas price set to the value configured in this config as the limit.


suggested gas price: 100 gas price margin factor: 20% max gas price limit: 150 tx gas price = 120

suggested gas price: 100 gas price margin factor: 20% max gas price limit: 110 tx gas price = 110

Example setting the default value (0):


7. [Pool]

Type: : object Description: Pool service configuration

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- IntervalToRefreshBlockedAddresses No string No - Duration
- IntervalToRefreshGasPrices No string No - Duration
- MaxTxBytesSize No integer No - MaxTxBytesSize is the max size of a transaction in bytes
- MaxTxDataBytesSize No integer No - MaxTxDataBytesSize is the max size of the data field of a transaction in bytes
- DB No object No - DB is the database configuration
- DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed No integer No - DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed is the default min gas price to suggest
- MinAllowedGasPriceInterval No string No - Duration
- PollMinAllowedGasPriceInterval No string No - Duration
- AccountQueue No integer No - AccountQueue represents the maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account
- GlobalQueue No integer No - GlobalQueue represents the maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts

7.1. Pool.IntervalToRefreshBlockedAddresses

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5m0s"

Description: IntervalToRefreshBlockedAddresses is the time it takes to sync the blocked address list from db to memory



Example setting the default value ("5m0s"):


7.2. Pool.IntervalToRefreshGasPrices

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5s"

Description: IntervalToRefreshGasPrices is the time to wait to refresh the gas prices



Example setting the default value ("5s"):


7.3. Pool.MaxTxBytesSize

Type: : integer

Default: 100132

Description: MaxTxBytesSize is the max size of a transaction in bytes

Example setting the default value (100132):


7.4. Pool.MaxTxDataBytesSize

Type: : integer

Default: 100000

Description: MaxTxDataBytesSize is the max size of the data field of a transaction in bytes

Example setting the default value (100000):


7.5. [Pool.DB]

Type: : object Description: DB is the database configuration

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Name No string No - Database name
- User No string No - Database User name
- Password No string No - Database Password of the user
- Host No string No - Host address of database
- Port No string No - Port Number of database
- EnableLog No boolean No - EnableLog
- MaxConns No integer No - MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

7.5.1. Pool.DB.Name

Type: : string

Default: "pool_db"

Description: Database name

Example setting the default value ("pool_db"):


7.5.2. Pool.DB.User

Type: : string

Default: "pool_user"

Description: Database User name

Example setting the default value ("pool_user"):


7.5.3. Pool.DB.Password

Type: : string

Default: "pool_password"

Description: Database Password of the user

Example setting the default value ("pool_password"):


7.5.4. Pool.DB.Host

Type: : string

Default: "cdk-validium-pool-db"

Description: Host address of database

Example setting the default value ("cdk-validium-pool-db"):


7.5.5. Pool.DB.Port

Type: : string

Default: "5432"

Description: Port Number of database

Example setting the default value ("5432"):


7.5.6. Pool.DB.EnableLog

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: EnableLog

Example setting the default value (false):


7.5.7. Pool.DB.MaxConns

Type: : integer

Default: 200

Description: MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

Example setting the default value (200):


7.6. Pool.DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed

Type: : integer

Default: 1000000000

Description: DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed is the default min gas price to suggest

Example setting the default value (1000000000):


7.7. Pool.MinAllowedGasPriceInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5m0s"

Description: MinAllowedGasPriceInterval is the interval to look back of the suggested min gas price for a tx



Example setting the default value ("5m0s"):


7.8. Pool.PollMinAllowedGasPriceInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "15s"

Description: PollMinAllowedGasPriceInterval is the interval to poll the suggested min gas price for a tx



Example setting the default value ("15s"):


7.9. Pool.AccountQueue

Type: : integer

Default: 64

Description: AccountQueue represents the maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account

Example setting the default value (64):


7.10. Pool.GlobalQueue

Type: : integer

Default: 1024

Description: GlobalQueue represents the maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts

Example setting the default value (1024):


8. [RPC]

Type: : object Description: Configuration for RPC service. THis one offers a extended Ethereum JSON-RPC API interface to interact with the node

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Host No string No - Host defines the network adapter that will be used to serve the HTTP requests
- Port No integer No - Port defines the port to serve the endpoints via HTTP
- ReadTimeout No string No - Duration
- WriteTimeout No string No - Duration
- MaxRequestsPerIPAndSecond No number No - MaxRequestsPerIPAndSecond defines how much requests a single IP can
send within a single second
- SequencerNodeURI No string No - SequencerNodeURI is used allow Non-Sequencer nodes
to relay transactions to the Sequencer node
- MaxCumulativeGasUsed No integer No - MaxCumulativeGasUsed is the max gas allowed per batch
- WebSockets No object No - WebSockets configuration
- EnableL2SuggestedGasPricePolling No boolean No - EnableL2SuggestedGasPricePolling enables polling of the L2 gas price to block tx in the RPC with lower gas price.
- TraceBatchUseHTTPS No boolean No - TraceBatchUseHTTPS enables, in the debug_traceBatchByNum endpoint, the use of the HTTPS protocol (instead of HTTP)
to do the parallel requests to RPC.debug_traceTransaction endpoint

8.1. RPC.Host

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Host defines the network adapter that will be used to serve the HTTP requests

Example setting the default value (""):


8.2. RPC.Port

Type: : integer

Default: 8545

Description: Port defines the port to serve the endpoints via HTTP

Example setting the default value (8545):


8.3. RPC.ReadTimeout

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1m0s"

Description: ReadTimeout is the HTTP server read timeout check net/http.server.ReadTimeout and net/http.server.ReadHeaderTimeout



Example setting the default value ("1m0s"):


8.4. RPC.WriteTimeout

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1m0s"

Description: WriteTimeout is the HTTP server write timeout check net/http.server.WriteTimeout



Example setting the default value ("1m0s"):


8.5. RPC.MaxRequestsPerIPAndSecond

Type: : number

Default: 500

Description: MaxRequestsPerIPAndSecond defines how much requests a single IP can send within a single second

Example setting the default value (500):


8.6. RPC.SequencerNodeURI

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: SequencerNodeURI is used allow Non-Sequencer nodes to relay transactions to the Sequencer node

Example setting the default value (""):


8.7. RPC.MaxCumulativeGasUsed

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: MaxCumulativeGasUsed is the max gas allowed per batch

Example setting the default value (0):


8.8. [RPC.WebSockets]

Type: : object Description: WebSockets configuration

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Enabled No boolean No - Enabled defines if the WebSocket requests are enabled or disabled
- Host No string No - Host defines the network adapter that will be used to serve the WS requests
- Port No integer No - Port defines the port to serve the endpoints via WS

8.8.1. RPC.WebSockets.Enabled

Type: : boolean

Default: true

Description: Enabled defines if the WebSocket requests are enabled or disabled

Example setting the default value (true):


8.8.2. RPC.WebSockets.Host

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Host defines the network adapter that will be used to serve the WS requests

Example setting the default value (""):


8.8.3. RPC.WebSockets.Port

Type: : integer

Default: 8546

Description: Port defines the port to serve the endpoints via WS

Example setting the default value (8546):


8.9. RPC.EnableL2SuggestedGasPricePolling

Type: : boolean

Default: true

Description: EnableL2SuggestedGasPricePolling enables polling of the L2 gas price to block tx in the RPC with lower gas price.

Example setting the default value (true):


8.10. RPC.TraceBatchUseHTTPS

Type: : boolean

Default: true

Description: TraceBatchUseHTTPS enables, in the debug_traceBatchByNum endpoint, the use of the HTTPS protocol (instead of HTTP) to do the parallel requests to RPC.debug_traceTransaction endpoint

Example setting the default value (true):


9. [Synchronizer]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of service Syncrhonizer. For this service is also really important the value of IsTrustedSequencer because depending of this values is going to ask to a trusted node for trusted transactions or not

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- SyncInterval No string No - Duration
- SyncChunkSize No integer No - SyncChunkSize is the number of blocks to sync on each chunk
- TrustedSequencerURL No string No - TrustedSequencerURL is the rpc url to connect and sync the trusted state

9.1. Synchronizer.SyncInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1s"

Description: SyncInterval is the delay interval between reading new rollup information



Example setting the default value ("1s"):


9.2. Synchronizer.SyncChunkSize

Type: : integer

Default: 100

Description: SyncChunkSize is the number of blocks to sync on each chunk

Example setting the default value (100):


9.3. Synchronizer.TrustedSequencerURL

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: TrustedSequencerURL is the rpc url to connect and sync the trusted state

Example setting the default value (""):


10. [Sequencer]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the sequencer service

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- WaitPeriodPoolIsEmpty No string No - Duration
- BlocksAmountForTxsToBeDeleted No integer No - BlocksAmountForTxsToBeDeleted is blocks amount after which txs will be deleted from the pool
- FrequencyToCheckTxsForDelete No string No - Duration
- MaxTxsPerBatch No integer No - MaxTxsPerBatch is the maximum amount of transactions in the batch
- MaxBatchBytesSize No integer No - MaxBatchBytesSize is the maximum batch size in bytes
(subtracted bits of all types.Sequence fields excluding BatchL2Data from MaxTxSizeForL1)
- MaxCumulativeGasUsed No integer No - MaxCumulativeGasUsed is max gas amount used by batch
- MaxKeccakHashes No integer No - MaxKeccakHashes is max keccak hashes used by batch
- MaxPoseidonHashes No integer No - MaxPoseidonHashes is max poseidon hashes batch can handle
- MaxPoseidonPaddings No integer No - MaxPoseidonPaddings is max poseidon paddings batch can handle
- MaxMemAligns No integer No - MaxMemAligns is max mem aligns batch can handle
- MaxArithmetics No integer No - MaxArithmetics is max arithmetics batch can handle
- MaxBinaries No integer No - MaxBinaries is max binaries batch can handle
- MaxSteps No integer No - MaxSteps is max steps batch can handle
- TxLifetimeCheckTimeout No string No - Duration
- MaxTxLifetime No string No - Duration
- Finalizer No object No - Finalizer's specific config properties
- DBManager No object No - DBManager's specific config properties
- EffectiveGasPrice No object No - EffectiveGasPrice is the config for the gas price

10.1. Sequencer.WaitPeriodPoolIsEmpty

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1s"

Description: WaitPeriodPoolIsEmpty is the time the sequencer waits until trying to add new txs to the state



Example setting the default value ("1s"):


10.2. Sequencer.BlocksAmountForTxsToBeDeleted

Type: : integer

Default: 100

Description: BlocksAmountForTxsToBeDeleted is blocks amount after which txs will be deleted from the pool

Example setting the default value (100):


10.3. Sequencer.FrequencyToCheckTxsForDelete

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "12h0m0s"

Description: FrequencyToCheckTxsForDelete is frequency with which txs will be checked for deleting



Example setting the default value ("12h0m0s"):


10.4. Sequencer.MaxTxsPerBatch

Type: : integer

Default: 300

Description: MaxTxsPerBatch is the maximum amount of transactions in the batch

Example setting the default value (300):


10.5. Sequencer.MaxBatchBytesSize

Type: : integer

Default: 120000

Description: MaxBatchBytesSize is the maximum batch size in bytes (subtracted bits of all types.Sequence fields excluding BatchL2Data from MaxTxSizeForL1)

Example setting the default value (120000):


10.6. Sequencer.MaxCumulativeGasUsed

Type: : integer

Default: 30000000

Description: MaxCumulativeGasUsed is max gas amount used by batch

Example setting the default value (30000000):


10.7. Sequencer.MaxKeccakHashes

Type: : integer

Default: 2145

Description: MaxKeccakHashes is max keccak hashes used by batch

Example setting the default value (2145):


10.8. Sequencer.MaxPoseidonHashes

Type: : integer

Default: 252357

Description: MaxPoseidonHashes is max poseidon hashes batch can handle

Example setting the default value (252357):


10.9. Sequencer.MaxPoseidonPaddings

Type: : integer

Default: 135191

Description: MaxPoseidonPaddings is max poseidon paddings batch can handle

Example setting the default value (135191):


10.10. Sequencer.MaxMemAligns

Type: : integer

Default: 236585

Description: MaxMemAligns is max mem aligns batch can handle

Example setting the default value (236585):


10.11. Sequencer.MaxArithmetics

Type: : integer

Default: 236585

Description: MaxArithmetics is max arithmetics batch can handle

Example setting the default value (236585):


10.12. Sequencer.MaxBinaries

Type: : integer

Default: 473170

Description: MaxBinaries is max binaries batch can handle

Example setting the default value (473170):


10.13. Sequencer.MaxSteps

Type: : integer

Default: 7570538

Description: MaxSteps is max steps batch can handle

Example setting the default value (7570538):


10.14. Sequencer.TxLifetimeCheckTimeout

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "10m0s"

Description: TxLifetimeCheckTimeout is the time the sequencer waits to check txs lifetime



Example setting the default value ("10m0s"):


10.15. Sequencer.MaxTxLifetime

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "3h0m0s"

Description: MaxTxLifetime is the time a tx can be in the sequencer/worker memory



Example setting the default value ("3h0m0s"):


10.16. [Sequencer.Finalizer]

Type: : object Description: Finalizer's specific config properties

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- GERDeadlineTimeout No string No - Duration
- ForcedBatchDeadlineTimeout No string No - Duration
- SleepDuration No string No - Duration
- ResourcePercentageToCloseBatch No integer No - ResourcePercentageToCloseBatch is the percentage window of the resource left out for the batch to be closed
- GERFinalityNumberOfBlocks No integer No - GERFinalityNumberOfBlocks is number of blocks to consider GER final
- ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingL1Timeout No string No - Duration
- ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingGER No string No - Duration
- ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingForcedBatches No string No - Duration
- ForcedBatchesFinalityNumberOfBlocks No integer No - ForcedBatchesFinalityNumberOfBlocks is number of blocks to consider GER final
- TimestampResolution No string No - Duration
- StopSequencerOnBatchNum No integer No - StopSequencerOnBatchNum specifies the batch number where the Sequencer will stop to process more transactions and generate new batches. The Sequencer will halt after it closes the batch equal to this number
- SequentialReprocessFullBatch No boolean No - SequentialReprocessFullBatch indicates if the reprocess of a closed batch (sanity check) must be done in a
sequential way (instead than in parallel)

10.16.1. Sequencer.Finalizer.GERDeadlineTimeout

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5s"

Description: GERDeadlineTimeout is the time the finalizer waits after receiving closing signal to update Global Exit Root



Example setting the default value ("5s"):


10.16.2. Sequencer.Finalizer.ForcedBatchDeadlineTimeout

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1m0s"

Description: ForcedBatchDeadlineTimeout is the time the finalizer waits after receiving closing signal to process Forced Batches



Example setting the default value ("1m0s"):


10.16.3. Sequencer.Finalizer.SleepDuration

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "100ms"

Description: SleepDuration is the time the finalizer sleeps between each iteration, if there are no transactions to be processed



Example setting the default value ("100ms"):


10.16.4. Sequencer.Finalizer.ResourcePercentageToCloseBatch

Type: : integer

Default: 10

Description: ResourcePercentageToCloseBatch is the percentage window of the resource left out for the batch to be closed

Example setting the default value (10):


10.16.5. Sequencer.Finalizer.GERFinalityNumberOfBlocks

Type: : integer

Default: 64

Description: GERFinalityNumberOfBlocks is number of blocks to consider GER final

Example setting the default value (64):


10.16.6. Sequencer.Finalizer.ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingL1Timeout

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "10s"

Description: ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingL1Timeout is used by the closing signals manager to wait for its operation



Example setting the default value ("10s"):


10.16.7. Sequencer.Finalizer.ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingGER

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "10s"

Description: ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingGER is used by the closing signals manager to wait for its operation



Example setting the default value ("10s"):


10.16.8. Sequencer.Finalizer.ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingForcedBatches

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "10s"

Description: ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingL1Timeout is used by the closing signals manager to wait for its operation



Example setting the default value ("10s"):


10.16.9. Sequencer.Finalizer.ForcedBatchesFinalityNumberOfBlocks

Type: : integer

Default: 64

Description: ForcedBatchesFinalityNumberOfBlocks is number of blocks to consider GER final

Example setting the default value (64):


10.16.10. Sequencer.Finalizer.TimestampResolution

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "10s"

Description: TimestampResolution is the resolution of the timestamp used to close a batch



Example setting the default value ("10s"):


10.16.11. Sequencer.Finalizer.StopSequencerOnBatchNum

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: StopSequencerOnBatchNum specifies the batch number where the Sequencer will stop to process more transactions and generate new batches. The Sequencer will halt after it closes the batch equal to this number

Example setting the default value (0):


10.16.12. Sequencer.Finalizer.SequentialReprocessFullBatch

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: SequentialReprocessFullBatch indicates if the reprocess of a closed batch (sanity check) must be done in a sequential way (instead than in parallel)

Example setting the default value (false):


10.17. [Sequencer.DBManager]

Type: : object Description: DBManager's specific config properties

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- PoolRetrievalInterval No string No - Duration
- L2ReorgRetrievalInterval No string No - Duration

10.17.1. Sequencer.DBManager.PoolRetrievalInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "500ms"



Example setting the default value ("500ms"):


10.17.2. Sequencer.DBManager.L2ReorgRetrievalInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5s"



Example setting the default value ("5s"):


10.18. [Sequencer.EffectiveGasPrice]

Type: : object Description: EffectiveGasPrice is the config for the gas price

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- MaxBreakEvenGasPriceDeviationPercentage No integer No - MaxBreakEvenGasPriceDeviationPercentage is the max allowed deviation percentage BreakEvenGasPrice on re-calculation
- L1GasPriceFactor No number No - L1GasPriceFactor is the percentage of the L1 gas price that will be used as the L2 min gas price
- ByteGasCost No integer No - ByteGasCost is the gas cost per byte
- MarginFactor No number No - MarginFactor is the margin factor percentage to be added to the L2 min gas price
- Enabled No boolean No - Enabled is a flag to enable/disable the effective gas price
- DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed No integer No - DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed is the default min gas price to suggest
This value is assigned from [Pool].DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed

10.18.1. Sequencer.EffectiveGasPrice.MaxBreakEvenGasPriceDeviationPercentage

Type: : integer

Default: 10

Description: MaxBreakEvenGasPriceDeviationPercentage is the max allowed deviation percentage BreakEvenGasPrice on re-calculation

Example setting the default value (10):


10.18.2. Sequencer.EffectiveGasPrice.L1GasPriceFactor

Type: : number

Default: 0.25

Description: L1GasPriceFactor is the percentage of the L1 gas price that will be used as the L2 min gas price

Example setting the default value (0.25):


10.18.3. Sequencer.EffectiveGasPrice.ByteGasCost

Type: : integer

Default: 16

Description: ByteGasCost is the gas cost per byte

Example setting the default value (16):


10.18.4. Sequencer.EffectiveGasPrice.MarginFactor

Type: : number

Default: 1

Description: MarginFactor is the margin factor percentage to be added to the L2 min gas price

Example setting the default value (1):


10.18.5. Sequencer.EffectiveGasPrice.Enabled

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: Enabled is a flag to enable/disable the effective gas price

Example setting the default value (false):


10.18.6. Sequencer.EffectiveGasPrice.DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed is the default min gas price to suggest This value is assigned from [Pool].DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed

Example setting the default value (0):


11. [SequenceSender]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the sequence sender service

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- WaitPeriodSendSequence No string No - Duration
- LastBatchVirtualizationTimeMaxWaitPeriod No string No - Duration
- MaxBatchesForL1 No integer No - MaxBatchesForL1 is the maximum amount of batches to be sequenced in a single L1 tx
- SenderAddress No array of integer No - SenderAddress defines which private key the eth tx manager needs to use
to sign the L1 txs
- L2Coinbase No array of integer No - L2Coinbase defines which addess is going to receive the fees
- PrivateKey No object No - PrivateKey defines all the key store files that are going
to be read in order to provide the private keys to sign the L1 txs
- ForkUpgradeBatchNumber No integer No - Batch number where there is a forkid change (fork upgrade)

11.1. SequenceSender.WaitPeriodSendSequence

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5s"

Description: WaitPeriodSendSequence is the time the sequencer waits until trying to send a sequence to L1



Example setting the default value ("5s"):


11.2. SequenceSender.LastBatchVirtualizationTimeMaxWaitPeriod

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5s"

Description: LastBatchVirtualizationTimeMaxWaitPeriod is time since sequences should be sent



Example setting the default value ("5s"):


11.3. SequenceSender.MaxBatchesForL1

Type: : integer

Default: 1000

Description: MaxBatchesForL1 is the maximum amount of batches to be sequenced in a single L1 tx

Example setting the default value (1000):


11.4. SequenceSender.SenderAddress

Type: : array of integer Description: SenderAddress defines which private key the eth tx manager needs to use to sign the L1 txs

11.5. SequenceSender.L2Coinbase

Type: : array of integer

Default: "0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266"

Description: L2Coinbase defines which addess is going to receive the fees

Example setting the default value ("0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266"):


11.6. [SequenceSender.PrivateKey]

Type: : object Description: PrivateKey defines all the key store files that are going to be read in order to provide the private keys to sign the L1 txs

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Path No string No - Path is the file path for the key store file
- Password No string No - Password is the password to decrypt the key store file

11.6.1. SequenceSender.PrivateKey.Path

Type: : string

Default: "/pk/sequencer.keystore"

Description: Path is the file path for the key store file

Example setting the default value ("/pk/sequencer.keystore"):


11.6.2. SequenceSender.PrivateKey.Password

Type: : string

Default: "testonly"

Description: Password is the password to decrypt the key store file

Example setting the default value ("testonly"):


11.7. SequenceSender.ForkUpgradeBatchNumber

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: Batch number where there is a forkid change (fork upgrade)

Example setting the default value (0):


12. [Aggregator]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the aggregator service

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Host No string No - Host for the grpc server
- Port No integer No - Port for the grpc server
- RetryTime No string No - Duration
- VerifyProofInterval No string No - Duration
- ProofStatePollingInterval No string No - Duration
- TxProfitabilityCheckerType No string No - TxProfitabilityCheckerType type for checking is it profitable for aggregator to validate batch
possible values: base/acceptall
- TxProfitabilityMinReward No object No - TxProfitabilityMinReward min reward for base tx profitability checker when aggregator will validate batch
this parameter is used for the base tx profitability checker
- IntervalAfterWhichBatchConsolidateAnyway No string No - Duration
- ChainID No integer No - ChainID is the L2 ChainID provided by the Network Config
- ForkId No integer No - ForkID is the L2 ForkID provided by the Network Config
- SenderAddress No string No - SenderAddress defines which private key the eth tx manager needs to use
to sign the L1 txs
- CleanupLockedProofsInterval No string No - Duration
- GeneratingProofCleanupThreshold No string No - GeneratingProofCleanupThreshold represents the time interval after
which a proof in generating state is considered to be stuck and
allowed to be cleared.

12.1. Aggregator.Host

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Host for the grpc server

Example setting the default value (""):


12.2. Aggregator.Port

Type: : integer

Default: 50081

Description: Port for the grpc server

Example setting the default value (50081):


12.3. Aggregator.RetryTime

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5s"

Description: RetryTime is the time the aggregator main loop sleeps if there are no proofs to aggregate or batches to generate proofs. It is also used in the isSynced loop



Example setting the default value ("5s"):


12.4. Aggregator.VerifyProofInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1m30s"

Description: VerifyProofInterval is the interval of time to verify/send an proof in L1



Example setting the default value ("1m30s"):


12.5. Aggregator.ProofStatePollingInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5s"

Description: ProofStatePollingInterval is the interval time to polling the prover about the generation state of a proof



Example setting the default value ("5s"):


12.6. Aggregator.TxProfitabilityCheckerType

Type: : string

Default: "acceptall"

Description: TxProfitabilityCheckerType type for checking is it profitable for aggregator to validate batch possible values: base/acceptall

Example setting the default value ("acceptall"):


12.7. [Aggregator.TxProfitabilityMinReward]

Type: : object Description: TxProfitabilityMinReward min reward for base tx profitability checker when aggregator will validate batch this parameter is used for the base tx profitability checker

12.8. Aggregator.IntervalAfterWhichBatchConsolidateAnyway

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "0s"

Description: IntervalAfterWhichBatchConsolidateAnyway this is interval for the main sequencer, that will check if there is no transactions



Example setting the default value ("0s"):


12.9. Aggregator.ChainID

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: ChainID is the L2 ChainID provided by the Network Config

Example setting the default value (0):


12.10. Aggregator.ForkId

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: ForkID is the L2 ForkID provided by the Network Config

Example setting the default value (0):


12.11. Aggregator.SenderAddress

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: SenderAddress defines which private key the eth tx manager needs to use to sign the L1 txs

Example setting the default value (""):


12.12. Aggregator.CleanupLockedProofsInterval

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "2m0s"

Description: CleanupLockedProofsInterval is the interval of time to clean up locked proofs.



Example setting the default value ("2m0s"):


12.13. Aggregator.GeneratingProofCleanupThreshold

Type: : string

Default: "10m"

Description: GeneratingProofCleanupThreshold represents the time interval after which a proof in generating state is considered to be stuck and allowed to be cleared.

Example setting the default value ("10m"):


13. [NetworkConfig]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the genesis of the network. This is used to known the initial state of the network

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- l1Config No object No - L1: Configuration related to L1
- L2GlobalExitRootManagerAddr No array of integer No - DEPRECATED L2: address of the `PolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootL2 proxy` smart contract
- L2BridgeAddr No array of integer No - L2: address of the `PolygonZkEVMBridge proxy` smart contract
- Genesis No object No - L1: Genesis of the rollup, first block number and root

13.1. [NetworkConfig.l1Config]

Type: : object Description: L1: Configuration related to L1

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- chainId No integer No - Chain ID of the L1 network
- cdkValidiumAddress No array of integer No - Address of the L1 contract
- maticTokenAddress No array of integer No - Address of the L1 Matic token Contract
- polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress No array of integer No - Address of the L1 GlobalExitRootManager contract
- cdkDataCommitteeContract No array of integer No - Address of the data availability committee contract

13.1.1. NetworkConfig.l1Config.chainId

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: Chain ID of the L1 network

Example setting the default value (0):


13.1.2. NetworkConfig.l1Config.cdkValidiumAddress

Type: : array of integer Description: Address of the L1 contract

13.1.3. NetworkConfig.l1Config.maticTokenAddress

Type: : array of integer Description: Address of the L1 Matic token Contract

13.1.4. NetworkConfig.l1Config.polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress

Type: : array of integer Description: Address of the L1 GlobalExitRootManager contract

13.1.5. NetworkConfig.l1Config.cdkDataCommitteeContract

Type: : array of integer Description: Address of the data availability committee contract

13.2. NetworkConfig.L2GlobalExitRootManagerAddr

Type: : array of integer Description: DEPRECATED L2: address of the PolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootL2 proxy smart contract

13.3. NetworkConfig.L2BridgeAddr

Type: : array of integer Description: L2: address of the PolygonZkEVMBridge proxy smart contract

13.4. [NetworkConfig.Genesis]

Type: : object Description: L1: Genesis of the rollup, first block number and root

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- GenesisBlockNum No integer No - GenesisBlockNum is the block number where the polygonZKEVM smc was deployed on L1
- Root No array of integer No - Root hash of the genesis block
- GenesisActions No array of object No - Contracts to be deployed to L2

13.4.1. NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisBlockNum

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: GenesisBlockNum is the block number where the polygonZKEVM smc was deployed on L1

Example setting the default value (0):


13.4.2. NetworkConfig.Genesis.Root

Type: : array of integer Description: Root hash of the genesis block

13.4.3. NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions

Type: : array of object Description: Contracts to be deployed to L2

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
GenesisActions items GenesisAction represents one of the values set on the SMT during genesis. [NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items]

Type: : object Description: GenesisAction represents one of the values set on the SMT during genesis.

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- address No string No - -
- type No integer No - -
- storagePosition No string No - -
- bytecode No string No - -
- key No string No - -
- value No string No - -
- root No string No - - NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items.address

Type: : string NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items.type

Type: : integer NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items.storagePosition

Type: : string NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items.bytecode

Type: : string NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items.key

Type: : string NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items.value

Type: : string NetworkConfig.Genesis.GenesisActions.GenesisActions items.root

Type: : string

14. [L2GasPriceSuggester]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the gas price suggester service

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Type No string No - -
- DefaultGasPriceWei No integer No - DefaultGasPriceWei is used to set the gas price to be used by the default gas pricer or as minimim gas price by the follower gas pricer.
- MaxGasPriceWei No integer No - MaxGasPriceWei is used to limit the gas price returned by the follower gas pricer to a maximum value. It is ignored if 0.
- MaxPrice No object No - -
- IgnorePrice No object No - -
- CheckBlocks No integer No - -
- Percentile No integer No - -
- UpdatePeriod No string No - Duration
- CleanHistoryPeriod No string No - Duration
- CleanHistoryTimeRetention No string No - Duration
- Factor No number No - -

14.1. L2GasPriceSuggester.Type

Type: : string

Default: "follower"

Example setting the default value ("follower"):


14.2. L2GasPriceSuggester.DefaultGasPriceWei

Type: : integer

Default: 2000000000

Description: DefaultGasPriceWei is used to set the gas price to be used by the default gas pricer or as minimim gas price by the follower gas pricer.

Example setting the default value (2000000000):


14.3. L2GasPriceSuggester.MaxGasPriceWei

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: MaxGasPriceWei is used to limit the gas price returned by the follower gas pricer to a maximum value. It is ignored if 0.

Example setting the default value (0):


14.4. [L2GasPriceSuggester.MaxPrice]

Type: : object

14.5. [L2GasPriceSuggester.IgnorePrice]

Type: : object

14.6. L2GasPriceSuggester.CheckBlocks

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Example setting the default value (0):


14.7. L2GasPriceSuggester.Percentile

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Example setting the default value (0):


14.8. L2GasPriceSuggester.UpdatePeriod

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "10s"



Example setting the default value ("10s"):


14.9. L2GasPriceSuggester.CleanHistoryPeriod

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1h0m0s"



Example setting the default value ("1h0m0s"):


14.10. L2GasPriceSuggester.CleanHistoryTimeRetention

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "5m0s"



Example setting the default value ("5m0s"):


14.11. L2GasPriceSuggester.Factor

Type: : number

Default: 0.15

Example setting the default value (0.15):


15. [Executor]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the executor service

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- URI No string No - -
- MaxResourceExhaustedAttempts No integer No - MaxResourceExhaustedAttempts is the max number of attempts to make a transaction succeed because of resource exhaustion
- WaitOnResourceExhaustion No string No - Duration
- MaxGRPCMessageSize No integer No - -

15.1. Executor.URI

Type: : string

Default: "cdk-validium-prover:50071"

Example setting the default value ("cdk-validium-prover:50071"):


15.2. Executor.MaxResourceExhaustedAttempts

Type: : integer

Default: 3

Description: MaxResourceExhaustedAttempts is the max number of attempts to make a transaction succeed because of resource exhaustion

Example setting the default value (3):


15.3. Executor.WaitOnResourceExhaustion

Title: Duration

Type: : string

Default: "1s"

Description: WaitOnResourceExhaustion is the time to wait before retrying a transaction because of resource exhaustion



Example setting the default value ("1s"):


15.4. Executor.MaxGRPCMessageSize

Type: : integer

Default: 100000000

Example setting the default value (100000000):


16. [MTClient]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the merkle tree client service. Not use in the node, only for testing

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- URI No string No - URI is the server URI.

16.1. MTClient.URI

Type: : string

Default: "cdk-validium-prover:50061"

Description: URI is the server URI.

Example setting the default value ("cdk-validium-prover:50061"):


17. [StateDB]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the state database connection

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Name No string No - Database name
- User No string No - Database User name
- Password No string No - Database Password of the user
- Host No string No - Host address of database
- Port No string No - Port Number of database
- EnableLog No boolean No - EnableLog
- MaxConns No integer No - MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

17.1. StateDB.Name

Type: : string

Default: "state_db"

Description: Database name

Example setting the default value ("state_db"):


17.2. StateDB.User

Type: : string

Default: "state_user"

Description: Database User name

Example setting the default value ("state_user"):


17.3. StateDB.Password

Type: : string

Default: "state_password"

Description: Database Password of the user

Example setting the default value ("state_password"):


17.4. StateDB.Host

Type: : string

Default: "cdk-validium-state-db"

Description: Host address of database

Example setting the default value ("cdk-validium-state-db"):


17.5. StateDB.Port

Type: : string

Default: "5432"

Description: Port Number of database

Example setting the default value ("5432"):


17.6. StateDB.EnableLog

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: EnableLog

Example setting the default value (false):


17.7. StateDB.MaxConns

Type: : integer

Default: 200

Description: MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

Example setting the default value (200):


18. [Metrics]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the metrics service, basically is where is going to publish the metrics

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Host No string No - Host is the address to bind the metrics server
- Port No integer No - Port is the port to bind the metrics server
- Enabled No boolean No - Enabled is the flag to enable/disable the metrics server
- ProfilingHost No string No - ProfilingHost is the address to bind the profiling server
- ProfilingPort No integer No - ProfilingPort is the port to bind the profiling server
- ProfilingEnabled No boolean No - ProfilingEnabled is the flag to enable/disable the profiling server

18.1. Metrics.Host

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Host is the address to bind the metrics server

Example setting the default value (""):


18.2. Metrics.Port

Type: : integer

Default: 9091

Description: Port is the port to bind the metrics server

Example setting the default value (9091):


18.3. Metrics.Enabled

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: Enabled is the flag to enable/disable the metrics server

Example setting the default value (false):


18.4. Metrics.ProfilingHost

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: ProfilingHost is the address to bind the profiling server

Example setting the default value (""):


18.5. Metrics.ProfilingPort

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: ProfilingPort is the port to bind the profiling server

Example setting the default value (0):


18.6. Metrics.ProfilingEnabled

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: ProfilingEnabled is the flag to enable/disable the profiling server

Example setting the default value (false):


19. [EventLog]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the event database connection

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- DB No object No - DB is the database configuration

19.1. [EventLog.DB]

Type: : object Description: DB is the database configuration

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Name No string No - Database name
- User No string No - Database User name
- Password No string No - Database Password of the user
- Host No string No - Host address of database
- Port No string No - Port Number of database
- EnableLog No boolean No - EnableLog
- MaxConns No integer No - MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

19.1.1. EventLog.DB.Name

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Database name

Example setting the default value (""):


19.1.2. EventLog.DB.User

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Database User name

Example setting the default value (""):


19.1.3. EventLog.DB.Password

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Database Password of the user

Example setting the default value (""):


19.1.4. EventLog.DB.Host

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Host address of database

Example setting the default value (""):


19.1.5. EventLog.DB.Port

Type: : string

Default: ""

Description: Port Number of database

Example setting the default value (""):


19.1.6. EventLog.DB.EnableLog

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: EnableLog

Example setting the default value (false):


19.1.7. EventLog.DB.MaxConns

Type: : integer

Default: 0

Description: MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

Example setting the default value (0):


20. [HashDB]

Type: : object Description: Configuration of the hash database connection

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- Name No string No - Database name
- User No string No - Database User name
- Password No string No - Database Password of the user
- Host No string No - Host address of database
- Port No string No - Port Number of database
- EnableLog No boolean No - EnableLog
- MaxConns No integer No - MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

20.1. HashDB.Name

Type: : string

Default: "prover_db"

Description: Database name

Example setting the default value ("prover_db"):


20.2. HashDB.User

Type: : string

Default: "prover_user"

Description: Database User name

Example setting the default value ("prover_user"):


20.3. HashDB.Password

Type: : string

Default: "prover_pass"

Description: Database Password of the user

Example setting the default value ("prover_pass"):


20.4. HashDB.Host

Type: : string

Default: "cdk-validium-state-db"

Description: Host address of database

Example setting the default value ("cdk-validium-state-db"):


20.5. HashDB.Port

Type: : string

Default: "5432"

Description: Port Number of database

Example setting the default value ("5432"):


20.6. HashDB.EnableLog

Type: : boolean

Default: false

Description: EnableLog

Example setting the default value (false):


20.7. HashDB.MaxConns

Type: : integer

Default: 200

Description: MaxConns is the maximum number of connections in the pool.

Example setting the default value (200):


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