The easiest and quickest way to create a temp/tmp/temporary python virtual environment.
tempyenv sets up a python environment in a temporary path. Quick way to create a throw away python environment.
$ python -m pip install tempyenv
$ tmpyenv
$ tempyenv
(tempyenv) is setting up your virtual environment...hold tight
Virtual environment created at /var/folders/4b/dnp21z017cg_rbgfdtzclqlm0000gn/T/tmpacwjkg5z/venv
Virtual environment loading from /var/folders/4b/dnp21z017cg_rbgfdtzclqlm0000gn/T/tmpacwjkg5z/venv
(tempyenv)(venv) $ echo "now you can pip install in your virtual environment"
To specify a specific version of python
$ tempyenv -p python3.10
$ python3.10 -m tempyenv
tempyenv is released under the MIT License.
David Whiteside (