What's new
See all changes with previous release on 0.28.1...0.29.0
Major update
Events & Elasticsearch
If you have a kafka, you can configure CDS to send events in a queue.
cds2es checks event in the kafka queue and send it in an elasticsearch instance. See https://github.com/ovh/cds/tree/master/contrib/uservices/cds2es
Debian package
A .deb is now available on Github Release.
Worker Cache
See https://ovh.github.io/cds/cli/worker/cache/
Engine is uptodate
New command on engine: uptodate
This command will checks if current binary is uptodate or not. It's useful for users who run their own hatchery. See https://ovh.github.io/cds/cli/engine/uptodate/
Hatchery Swarm
This hatchery uses the official docker client.
Important - Migrate CDS from version 0.28.x
When you will run db upgrade, you will have:
$ engine database upgrade --db-user=<db-user> --db-password=<password> --db-name=<db-name> --migrate-dir=sql --db-connect-timeout=20
Error: Migration failed: pq: relation "platform_model" already exists handling 082_platform.sql
You have to run theses two SQL manually on your database:
update gorp_migrations set id='083_clean_env_grp.sql' where id='082_clean_env_grp.sql';
update gorp_migrations set id='082_platform.sql' where id='083_platform.sql';
Then, relaunch database migration:
$ engine database upgrade --db-user=<db-user> --db-password=<password> --db-name=<db-name> --migrate-dir=sql --db-connect-timeout=20
Applied 1 migration
Important - Migrate CDS from a previous version < 0.22.0
Two new services are availables, to start them with CDS API, you have to lauch : ./engine start api hooks vcs
If you use a previous version of CDS with VCS (github / gitlab / bitbucket) you need to install this release 0.22.0.
This release contains code to migrate existing VCS to new uService. The next release won't contains this code anymore.