1, What's the BOS API endpoint?
2, How to trade REX? TokenPocket: https://bos-rex.tokenpocket.pro/#/ And in EOS LIVE wallet REX is tradeable as well.
3, How to create a BOS account? - Buy an account on https://dapp.mytokenpocket.vip/alipay/en/bos.html - Sign up with UID (http://bosuid.com) a user can receive BOS to their wallet and create a BOS mainnet account of their own. - One may also use myeoswallet and create a BOS account for free.
4, Where can I check the BOS airdrop? https://github.com/boscore/bos-airdrop-snapshots
5, How to track tokens on BOS? https://bos.bloks.io/
6, Where can I see the IBC details? https://github.com/boscore/Documentation/tree/master/IBC
7, Where can I read the BOS whitepapers? https://github.com/boscore/Documentation/blob/master/BOSCoreTechnicalWhitePaper.md
8, Where can I buy BOS? Currently, on Newdex, Findex, Akdex, Btron, Codex.one
9, Where can I check BOS DApp information? https://dapptotal.com/ http://dapp.coinbirds.com/index
10, Want to learn more about BOS Referendum? https://medium.com/@BOSCore/bos-ecosystem-program-referendum-wps-a327098e50ee
11, Where can I check the mainnet BOS backup stats? https://eosnode.tools/blocks/bos
alohabosprod: US, Oregon p2p-peer-address = peer.bos.alohaeos.com:9876
blockedencom: Tokyo p2p-peer-address = p2p.bos.blockeden.com:10777
blockgogreat: CN, HongKong p2p-peer-address = bosp2p.api.blockgo.vip:666
bosauthority: GB, London p2p-peer-address = bos-node.eosauthority.com:9393
bosbeijingbp: JP, Tokyo p2p-peer-address = p2p-bos.eosbeijing.one:6001
bosdacserver: GB, United Kingdom p2p-peer-address = bos.eosdac.io:9876
boseouldotio: JP, Tokyo p2p-peer-address = bos-p2p.eoseoul.io:9876
boshuobipool: ??, HuobiNode1 p2p-peer-address = bos1.eoshuobipool.com:18181
boshuobipool: ??, HuobiNode2 p2p-peer-address = bos2.eoshuobipool.com:18181
bosiomeetone: CN, Taiwan p2p-peer-address = bos-peer.meet.one:9876
bosmatrix123: GB, London p2p-peer-address = bosmatrix.blockmatrix.network:13546
bosnationftw: CA, Canada p2p-peer-address = bos.eosn.io:9876
bospacificbp: JP, Tokyo, Japan p2p-peer-address = p2p.bos.nodepacific.com:9876
bosphereiobp: AU, Sydney p2p-peer-address = peer1-bos.eosphere.io:9876
bosswedenorg: SE, Sweden p2p-peer-address = p2p.bossweden.org:9876
bostribeprod: US, Bluffdale, UT p2p-peer-address = api.bos.eostribe.io:7878
boszhizhutop: SG, Singapore p2p-peer-address = p2p.bos.zhizhu.top:9876
dapppubbosbp: JP, Tokyo p2p-peer-address = peering.bos.dapp.pub:9876
eos42freedom: GB, London p2p-peer-address = seed.bos42.io:9877
eoscanadacom: CA, Montreal, Canada p2p-peer-address = peering.bos.eoscanada.com:9876
eosnewyorkio: DE, primary p2p-peer-address = p2p.bos.eosnewyork.io:6987
gravitypooll: HK, HongKong p2p-peer-address = p2p.bos.gravitypool.io:9877
helloboscnbp: JP, Tokyo p2p-peer-address = p2p.hellobos.one:9876
hkboshkbosbp: SG, Singapore p2p-peer-address = bos-p2p.hkeos.com:9876
itokenpocket: SG, TokenPocket p2p-peer-address = bos.tokenpocket.pro:9376
slowmistiobp: SG, Singapore p2p-peer-address = bos-peer.slowmist.io:19876
venezuelabos: VE, eosvenezuela p2p-peer-address = bos.eosvenezuela.io:9876
You can also check the latest endpoints here
API nodes:
API nodes support get actions ( filter-on= ):*
https://boscore.eosrio.io/v1/history/ (MongoDB based)
https://history-api-bos-testnet.keosd.io/v1/history/ (MongoDB based)
State History Support:
p2p-peer-address =
p2p-peer-address =
p2p-peer-address =
p2p-peer-address = bos-testnet.eosphere.io:9876
p2p-peer-address = bostest.eosn.io:9876
p2p-peer-address = tst.bossweden.org:9899
p2p-peer-address = bos.testnet.eosargentina.io:9876
p2p-peer-address = peer.bostest.alohaeos.com:9876
p2p-peer-address = bos-test.eoshenzhen.io:9876
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Boscore_BOS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boscore.io
Email: support@boscore.io