By default all fields of an entity will be indexed. If you would like to not index certain properties then you can provide a vararg list of properties to not index:
EntityFormat.ignoreIndexes[MyEntity, MyKey]("ignoreProperty1", "ignoreProperty2", ...)("kind")(_.key)
If you would instead like to only index certain properties and have all others not indexed by default then you can provide a vararg list of properties to index:
EntityFormat.onlyIndex[MyEntity, MyKey]("property1", "property2", ...)("kind")(_.key)
This property list will be checked at compile time to ensure:
- In the case of a case class that all properties exist on that case class
- In the case of a sealed trait that all properties exist on at least one of the subtypes
- If you exclude an index of a property you using for queries then your queries will not work.
- You can only exclude/include indexes from top level properties, we aim to add more fine grained control in the future. For example:
import com.ovoenergy.datastore4s.EntityFormat
case class Property(field1: String, field2: Int)
case class Entity(key: String, property: Property)
// does compile
EntityFormat.onlyIndex[Entity, String]("property")("kind")(_.key)
// does not compile
EntityFormat.onlyIndex[Entity, String]("property.field1")("kind")(_.key)
In the case that you know at a type level that you never want to index any values of a type then you can:
import com.ovoenergy.datastore4s.ValueFormat
case class DebugLog(log: String) // Always a very large string
object DebugLog {
implicit val debugLogFormat = ValueFormat.formatFrom(DebugLog.apply)(_.log).ignoreIndex
If at type level you know you need to ignore indexes the whole field you can do so in the FieldFormat
import com.ovoenergy.datastore4s.FieldFormat
case class IgnorableType(property1: String, property2: Int)
object IgnorableType {
implicit val format = FieldFormat[IgnorableType].ignoreIndexes
If you only want to ignore certain fields on an entity and are not using the macros this can be done in the EntityFormat
In the following example only the age
is not indexed.
import com.ovoenergy.datastore4s._
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int)
object NonMacroIndexExample {
implicit object PersonFormat extends EntityFormat[Person, String] {
override def toEntity(person: Person, builder: EntityBuilder): Entity = builder
.add("firstName", person.firstName)
.add("lastName", person.lastName)
.addIgnoringIndex("age", person.age) // Don't index age
override def fromEntity(entity: Entity): Either[DatastoreError, Person] = for {
firstName <- entity.fieldOfType[String]("firstName")
lastName <- entity.fieldOfType[String]("lastName")
age <- entity.fieldOfType[Int]("age")
} yield Person(firstName, lastName, age)
override val kind = Kind("person")
override def key(person: Person) = person.firstName + person.lastName