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Special thanks to Zerumi Coder whose purest soul helped me on this long journey! The Guy who supported me on every tricky junction of the long night road. The Guy, who lit the way for me, who has enlighten me!

Thank you, Zerumi!

Thanks to Lannee the Great, who supported the Magnificent Order of Rust!

Thanks to Local Piper the Funniest, who didn't let me give up! His majesty supported me with marvelous jokes!

Thanks to all other fellow comrades who stood with me, who fought bravely, who has won this battle!


  • Тернавский Константин Евгеньевич. P3206
asm | acc | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | pstr | prob2 | cache
  • Базовый вариант


  • assembler
  • accumulator
  • Von Neumann (same memory for commands and data)
  • Microcode
  • accurate up to tick
  • code is stored as High-Level structure
  • Stream IO (no interrupts)
  • IO devices addressed by ports. Separate IO instruction
  • Pascal strings (length + content)
  • Prob 2. Even Fibonacci numbers
  • Cache (not implemented)

Table of content



number is 16-bit number number(n) is n-bits number


program ::= lines

lines ::= line | line lines

line ::= new_line | statement new_line

statement ::= item | label item

label ::= word ":"

item ::= empty | command | directive

// command names are matched case-insensitive
command ::= command_none
          | command_address
          | command_immediate
          | command_port

command_none ::= "inc" 
               | "shift_left"
               | "shift_right"
               | "nop"
               | "halt"

command_address ::= opcode_address address

opcode_address ::= "load"
                 | "store"
                 | "add"
                 | "and"
                 | "cmp"
                 | "jzc"
                 | "jzs"
                 | "jz" // alias for jzs
                 | "jcc"
                 | "jcs"
                 | "jc" // alias for jcs
                 | "jump"

address ::= address_relative 
          | address_absolute
          | address_indirect

address_relative ::= actual_address

address_absolute ::= "!" actual_address

address_indirect ::= "(" actual_address  ")"

actual_address ::= word | number

command_immediate ::= "andi" number

command_port ::= opcode_port port

opcode_port ::= "in" | "out"

port ::= number(8)

// supports numbers:
// decimal: 145, 0001
// hex: 0xaf
// bin: 0b010101
number ::= "^(?P<prefix>0[xb])?(?P<number>[\dabcdef_]+)"

directive ::= directive_word | directive_org

directive_word ::= "word" word_arguments

word_arguments ::= word_argument | word_argument word_arguments

word_argument ::= number(32) | label

directive_org ::= "org" number

Note: space symbols are not considered and are skipped Space symbols are defined as following set: " "


  • strategy of computation: sequential
  • label's scope: global


For number endian see Memory section.

We use notion of number types similar to rust's one:
first letter says the type and affects sign extension:

  • u no sign extension happens. Value treated as Unsigned

The letter is followed by a number. The number signifies amount of bits available to represent a number.


  • u32 - 32-bit unsigned number
  • u16 - 16-bit unsigned number

All literals are numbers with different range of values. All numbers have the same syntax. Range is determined based on usage context: command's argument type defines literal meaning. For details see command's argument types table.

Number literals support following prefixes:

  • 0x - for hex numbers
  • 0b - for binary numbers


decimal: 145, 0001
hex: 0xaf
bin: 0b010101

Numbers without prefix are treated as decimals.

Numbers may contain any amount of _ at any point after prefix (or anywhere if there is no prefix):


  • 4000
  • 4_000
  • 4_____000
  • ___4_000___
  • 0x____fa0

are all mean 4000 decimal value.

Argument types

  • none - command requires no arguments. Placing anything would result into error.
  • port - command requires single number which denotes IO device's address. Number is treated as u8
  • immediate - command requires single number. Number is treated as u16
  • label - special argument type. It requires single word. Word is a sequence of unicode letters. It may contain any number of _ in any position. Used within composite type address and with word directive.
  • address - composite type. see notes and table below
  • There are other types. They are special and used in conjunction with Assembly directives

Address type is either number treated as u16 or label. Address allows modifiers to switch addressing mode.

In the following table, strings enclosed with "" means literal characters present in source code. | means alternative. () are used to group items.

That is "!" (u16 | label) means exclamation mark followed by either number literal or label where number literal is interpreted as 16-bit unsigned number

Each addressing in this table corresponds to appropriate addressing mode of CPU.

Mode Syntax Example
Relative u16 | label
load 0x55
load 145
load some_label
Absolute "!" (u16 | label)
store !0x55
store !some_label
Indirect "(" u16 | label ")"
load (some_label_ptr)
load (0x55)

Assembler directives

  • data - special argument type used with assembler directive word. It requires one or more numbers each seperated with at least one space. Each number is treated as u32. That is, although, value 0xff perfectly fits into one byte, word 0xff occupies whole memory cell. Notice, that no sign extension takes place! Value is placed as is: 0x00_00_00_ff

Assembler directives are not represented in CPU's memory. They are special commands intended to assist you write assembly code.

Directive Allowed argument types Comment
word data | label places numbers into memory as is. can be used with labels to make pointers. I.e. word some_label places an address and NOT the content at the address which some_labels refers to.
org u16 instructs assembler where to place next code item (be it a raw value or a command) into cell with address ADDRESS. Subsequent code items will be placed after ADDRESS one by one


org 0x04f
VAR1: word 0x45a9 0xff
add 0xf
cmp VAR1

Here 0x0000_45a9 will be placed in memory as is at address 0x04f; 0x0000_00ff at 0x0050. add 0xf at 0x0051 and so on


This section describes opcodes and operand type suggested for use with them.

Notice, that every command may theoretically work with every operand type except none operand type, though that has not been tested and may lead to undefined behaviour.

Providing none operand type for command which requires any other type results in CPU panicking.

Commands which suggest none operand type will simply ignore any operand, although operand fetch would still be executed. So that you can but you should not specify any operand type except none for commands which except none.

For this table let's introduce notion of special operand type operand. It requires operand type to be any of Relative|Indirect|Immediate|Absolute. Notice that none is forbidden for this speical type.

IN          immediate    - read data from IO device
OUT         immediate    - write data to IO device

LOAD        operand - load value into accumulator
STORE       operand - store value from accumulator into memory cell

ADD         operand - well... add a number?
INC         none    - add 1 to accumulator

// (to check for even values by applying 0x1 mask)
AND         operand
CMP         operand - subtract number from accumulator without 
                      storing result anywhere. Sets status flags.
                      Useful for branching

JZC         operand - Jump if Zero Clear
JZS         operand - Jump if Zero Set
JCC         operand - Jump if Carry Clear
JCS         operand - Jump if Carry Set
JUMP        operand - Unconditional jump

NOP         none    - does nothing
HALT        none    - Stops the simulation

Assembler supports variants of some instructions with immediate argument. Namely:

AND -> ANDI // useful for masking

For more, please, see syntax section.

Instruction format

Every instruction occupies exactly one memory cell.

All instruction if would be represented in binary has following format:

opcode argument type argument
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes
4 bytes

Instruction pipeline

  1. Instruction fetch
    1. fetches instruction from memory to cmd register
  2. operand decode
    1. determines type of operand
    2. load operand
  3. execution
    1. determines microinstruction number by opcode
    2. execute instruction

Operand types

- None: jumps straight to command execution
- Absolute: operand -> address -> [mem] -> data
- Relative: pc + operand -> address -> [mem] -> data
- Indirect: pc + operand -> address -> [mem] -> data -> address -> data
- Immediate: operand -> data


This CPU uses von Neumann memory model: both data and code are stored in the same memory.

You neither can interpret data as instruction nor instruction as data though: limitation of current implementation.

Memory consists of 2**16 memory cells. Each memory cell holds either a single 32-bit big-endian number without sign extension or an instruction.

The whole memory is addressable by u16 address on per memory cell basis. That is by referring to 0x0000 you can fetch an u32 number or an instruction.

Address space starts from zero.

address content
0x0000 0x0000_00ff
0x0001 0xdead_beaf
... ...
0xffff 0x0000_0000

CPU Architecture

Data path


Registers support either u32 or u16 values. If you attempt to write u32 value into u16-capable destination (that is either register or ALU) then sixteen most-significant bits are silently discarded.

If you attempt to write u16 value into u32-capable destination, then value is zero-extended to 32 bits.

Notice that NO sign-extension takes place!

  • accumulator (u32) (least-significant byte is connected to IO)
  • data (connected to memory) (MemoryItem: u32 | Command)
  • status (zero, carry)
  • address (u16)
  • program counter (u16)
  • cmd(opcode, opcode_type, arg: u16)


ALU operates on two u32 values, outputting u32 result and optionally setting status register with zero and carry flags.

Control unit


|           Full name             | alg            | loc | bytes | instr | exec_instr | tick |                                            variant                                             |
|Тернавский Константин Евгеньевич | hello_world    | 35  | -     | 13    | 105        | 647  | asm     | acc | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | pstr | prob2 | cache|
|Тернавский Константин Евгеньевич | hello_username | 168 | -     | 81    | 434        | 2706 | asm     | acc | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | pstr | prob2 | cache|
|Тернавский Константин Евгеньевич | prob2          | 137 | -     | 48    | 630        | 3896 | asm     | acc | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | pstr | prob2 | cache|


Self-made assembler and Accumulator CPU







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