Now a days in the decentralize era To ensure transparancy voting mechanism , automated calculation and equal voting right for every voter decentralization in voting platform is necessary and unreplacable solution.
D_Vote is a smart contract written by solidity in EVM. which ensuring decentralization transparent automatic voting mechanism for private enterprise. Tested by mocha framwork in hardhat enviroment
*Can set voting right to selected addresses *Secure voting right for selected addressses by providing unique cryptographic Id *Duplicate vote and Invalid Voter interaction blocking by special modifier *AUTOMATIC vote calculation by chainlink oracle system *Set TIME INTERVAL for voting period *wriiten in openzeppelin upgradeable contract *Can get gas-cost by each function in gas-report.txt file after running hardhat test
to deploy run
yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network<network name>
to test run
yarn hardhat test
set contract info in ContractInformation.js file (set your abi, contractAddress)
customize your front end and js file according your requirements