This package is a Julia implementation of the following paper
Gill, Philip E., and Walter Murray.
Numerically stable methods for quadratic programming.
Mathematical programming 14.1 (1978): 349-372.
i.e. an inertia-controlling active-set solver for general (definite/indefinite) dense quadratic programs
minimize ½x'Px + q'x
subject to Ax ≤ b
given an initial feasible point x_init
To avoid further restrictions on the initial point, an artificial constraints approach is taken as described in QPOPT's 1.0 User manual, Section 3.2.
The solver can be installed by running
The solver can be used by calling the function
solve(P, q, A, b, x_init; kwargs) -> x
with inputs (T
is any real numerical type):
: the quadratic cost;q::Vector{T}
: the linear cost;A::Matrix{T}
: the constraints; andx_init::Vector{T}
: the initial, feasible point
keywords (optional):
Maximum number of iterations.verbosity::Int=1
the verbosity of the solver ranging from0
(no output) to2
(most verbose). Note that settingverbosity=2
affects the algorithm's performance.printing_interval::Int=50
Maximum radius. The algorithm terminates if ‖x‖ ≥ r with a return solution of ‖x‖ = r. This is particularly useful for unbounded problems.
and output x::Vector{T}
, the calculated optimizer.
This package includes UpdatableQR
, an updatable QR
factorization F
of a "thin" n x m
X = F.Q*F.R
that allows efficient O(n^2)
update of the factors when adding/removing rows in the matrix X
. This is critical for efficient execution of (dense) active-set algorithms.
These updates can be simply performed using
add_column!(F::UpdatableQR{T}, a::AbstractVector{T})
remove_column!(F::UpdatableQR{T}, idx::Int).
Similarly, UpdatableHessianLDL
provides an updatable LDLt
factorization for the projection of the hessian P
on the nullspace of the working constraints.
is based on UpdatableQR
and implements functionality for artificial constraints (QPOPT 1.0 Manual, Section 3.2).
An initial feasible point can be obtained e.g. by performing Phase-I
on the polyhedron Ax ≤ b
using JuMP, Gurobi
# Choose Gurobi's primal simplex method
model = Model(solver=GurobiSolver(Presolve=0, Method=0))
@variable(model, x[1:size(A, 2)])
@constraint(model, A*x - b .<=0)
status = JuMP.solve(model)
x_init = getvalue(x) # Initial point to be passed to our solver