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Network Gonitor

It's a passive network monitoring application written in Go using the GoPacket library.

It will capture the traffic from a network interface in promiscuous mode (or read the packets from a pcap trace file) and print a record for each packet in its standard output, much like a simplified version of tcpdump.


  1. Run this project directly with using Go (Super user will be needed).
sudo go run main.go
  1. Run this project by firstly building it with Go.
go build main.go
sudo ./main

Documentation & Brief Explanation

First, the packages to be used during the program's operation were determined.

All packages

Besides the gopacket packages:

  • fmt package is used for outputs.
  • log package is used for indicating errors.
  • encoding/hex package is used for hex-dump of packet's payload.
  • strings package is used for Contains function that used in filtering the payload.
  • time package is used for determining the timeout for live capture and formatting the timestamp value.
  • os package is used for taking system arguments.

After determining and importing all packages to be used, all of the global variables have been defined.

Since there is a difference between the global variables to be used between reading from a pcap file and live capturing, all of them were initially set as blank. "eth0" is chosen for default interface.

Main function

  • Take arguments that user entered from CLI.
  • Define a readed_arguments_index slice for make it possible to differenciate the 'expression' part.
  • Iterate over whole arguments array.
  • If element is one of the following : '-s', '-r', '-i'; that means one after that argument is value of the parameter. I differenciate all parameters with that method. Thus, user could mix the order of parameters if wanted (expression parameter will be at the end of course).
  • findMaxValue function is used for determining the number of arguments. Thus, we can now when 'expression' parameter starts.

printPacketInfo function

  • printThePacket variable is defined for determining if following packet will be printed or not.
  • If there is a payload filter (-s) and following packet has that payload; then printThePacket = true.
  • Otherwise, if there is a payload filter (-s) and following packet has not that payload; then printThePacket =false.
  • And the last option is that the -s parameter is not given by user. In that situation printThePacket is also true.
  • After printing out timestamp with correct format, MAC adresses, package type, length of packet; Ip layer is started.
  • In Ip layer, Ip addresses printed out.
  • On line 141-142 I checked if packet has UDP/TCP layer! I think that is important for error-handling.
  • After controls, I created an array of TCP FLAGS on line 155 and array of boolean values of them on line 156.
  • Thus, I can iterate over them and mark them if the flag was used.
  • For example, if 3rd element of all_flags_value array is True, then 3rd element of all_flags is used on packet. We can easily get the name of the flag with: all_flags[2].
  • Both UDP/TCP packets, port numbers&protocol are printed out. (+FLAGS in TCP case).
  • While printing protocol names, protocol numbers are considered. On line 172 (ip.Protocol == 1) controls if the packet is ICMP or not.
  • Finally, I reached the application layer and all I need to print out is payload!
  • I used hex.Dump function for that purpose.


Example usages of program:

	sudo go run program.go -i ens33 -s "youtube"
	sudo go run program.go ../Desktop/SkypeIRC.cap -s "Content-Length: 7"
	sudo go run program.go -r ../Desktop/SkypeIRC.cap -s skype
	sudo go run program.go -r ../Desktop/ipv4frags.pcap -s abc "icmp and len >= 1000"
	sudo go run program.go -r ../Desktop/ipv4frags.pcap -s abc "icmp and len >= 466"
	sudo go run program.go -i ens33
	sudo go run program.go -i ens33 tcp and port 80
	sudo go run program.go -i ens33 "tcp and len >= 180"

As you see, you can specify parameters with quotation marks (""). But if there is not any special characters like ">", "<", the quotation marks are not necessary.

Output format

Network Gonitor started with the following command:

sudo go run main.go -i ens33 "tcp and port 80"

App Screenshot


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