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UNMS on Synology DSM

oznu edited this page May 17, 2018 · 7 revisions

How to setup UNMS & Docker on a Synology NAS

This guide will show you how to run the oznu/unms docker image on a Synology NAS running DSM 6.


Installing Docker on Synology DSM

You can install the Docker app using the Synology DSM Package Center.

1. Download Docker Image

Open the Docker app on your Synology DSM, go to the Registry section and then search for and download the oznu/unms image.

Download oznu/unms docker image

Make sure you select the latest tag:

Select latest tag

2. Create Container

Launch a new container using the oznu/unms image.

Create container

Name your container appropriately and then click Advanced Settings:

General settings

Check the box to Enable auto-restart. This is recommended if you want your container to automatically restart after your Synology DSM reboots or if UNMS crashes.

Click the Volume tab and then Add Folder.


Create a new empty folder to store your UNMS configuration in. This will allow you to update, delete and recreate the UNMS container without losing any configuration. The Mount Path must be /config.

Click the Port Settings tab.

Port Mapping

Remove the entry for port 80, this is not required to run UNMS and will conflict with DSM. Change the Local Port for the 443 Container Port mapping to something not in use, for example, port 8443.

Click the Environment tab.

Environment Variables

Change the PUBLIC_HTTPS_PORT and PUBLIC_WS_PORT variables to match the Local Port you chose in the previous step, for example, port 8443.

Click the Apply button then finish creating the container.


3. Using UNMS

In your browser go to https://<hostname or ip of dsm>:<public https port>, for example, https://dsm.local:8443:

Don't use a .local domain for the hostname like is shown in the screenshot. It's unlikely your Ubiquiti devices will be able to resolve these types of domains. Use the IP address of your NAS instead.

UNMS Setup

Uncheck the box to use Let's Encrypt, this won't work unless you're port forwarding 80/443 from the internet to your NAS.

Once logged into UNMS check that the UNMS key contains the port you chose to access UNMS on:


Updating UNMS

To update to the latest version of UNMS and the oznu/unms container:

  1. Download the latest version of the oznu/unms container
  2. On the Container tab stop the existing unms container
  3. Edit the existing container and change it's name to unms-old
  4. Remove all port mappings, take note of what they were, you'll need them in step 7
  5. Select unms-old then click Settings then Duplicate settings
  6. Name the container unms
  7. Re-apply all port mappings
  8. Start the unms container
  9. Delete the unms-old container