A Conan generator to easy the use of Waf build system on conan.
NOTE: i am just a fan of Waf and Conan. I am still learning both. So any correction, suggestion or contribution is welcome.
Add the generator on 'requires' section of your conanfile (see Conan Getting Started if you do not know Conan yet). If you want learn how to use Waf, see the waf-book.
In conanfile.txt:
Or if you are using a conanfile.py:
class YourConanFileClass(ConanFile):
requires = (
... ,
generators = "Waf"
Then, install your project:
$ conan install .
After install, a file 'conanbuildinfo_waf' will be generated (on the path used while installing). Load this file on your configure method (like a module) in your wscript file. Example:
def configure(conf):
conf.load('conanbuildinfo_waf', tooldir=".");
Then, include the dependencies on 'use' argument for each target. Example:
def build(bld):
target = 'exec_name',
#compile all cpp files below src dir
source = bld.path.ant_glob('src/**/*.cpp')),
includes = ['src'],
#List here the conan dependencies
use = ['Poco', 'OpenSSL'])
NOTE: The Conan dependencies on 'use' argument should be the names on conan packages. That is, for a package 'Abc@X.Y.Z@user/channel', the dependency should be 'Abc'.
If you are using a conanfile.py, you can run the build from conan (using 'conan build' command).
To allow that, add a 'build' method on conanfile.py with the below content:
def build(self):
import os #this can be put on file start
# Change the current dir to the conanfile directory
# (assuming that the 'wscript' file is on this dir)
# Require the 'waf' file on this directory
waf = os.path.join(self.conanfile_directory, 'waf')
# Execute 'waf configure build'
self.run('%s configure build' % waf)