Standard integration profile as part of the eModule research project (FKZ 03HY116A-E) of the H2Giga lead platform.
We used and recommend the graph editor yEd.
We are happy that you are using research results from eModule. ❤️ If you want to participate in its development, please feel free to take a look at the issues or contact @julorenz directly.
This code is © eModule (H2Giga), 2024, and it is made available under the MIT license.
Over and above the legal restrictions imposed by this license, if you use this software for an academic publication then you are obliged to provide proper attribution. This can be to related paper
Lorenz, J.; Kock, T.; Grahl, L.; Henkel, V.; Scholz, L.; Stark, K.; Lorenz, R.; Klose, A.; Urbas, L. (2024). Effiziente Integration von Elektrolyseuren in modularen Elektrolyseanlagen - Einheitliche Schnittstellen zur Wasserstofferzeugung. EKA - Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme. Magdeburg
and to the model itself
eModule. H2Giga-eModule-standard-integration-profile, v1.1.0 (2024).
or (ideally) both.
To cite the code, we have also created a CITATION.cff File that can be used.
The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research is acknowledged for funding this research as part of:
- eModule (H2Giga) (reference code 03HY116A E).
Coded with ❤️ by @julorenz